Detail from cloud studies

Ruskin: Museum of the Near Future

26 September 2019 - 28 February 2020

Look closely, see clearly, imagine freely: parables and places to encounter our world.

‌John Ruskin’s motto was ‘Today’. He believed that the way we see things now will shape the way we think and behave in the future. Ruskin: Museum of the Near Future explores the relevance of Ruskin’s thinking for our own time.

Through image and word, his works take us into the nature of seeing and into the multidimensional nature of knowledge itself. Parables and places for imaginative encounters reflect our relationship, both modest and magnificent, to the world in which we live.

In partnership with Brantwood, John Ruskin’s home in the Lake District.

Explore Ruskin: Museum of the Near Future virtually, launched on International Museum Day 2020.

‘Through Ruskin’s eyes and words, I could imagine the world differently’

A quote from Visitor

‘So many little detonations in this show if you look. Juxtaposition of Ruskin’s first tree drawing, aged 8, with Wu Chi-Tsung’s slow ‘Landscape in the Mist’. Brilliant illustration of Ruskin’s oscillation between macro and micro scales of perception. And some beautiful contemporary art works too’.

A quote from Visitor

‘My grandson and I could explore the same thought, from different perspectives – he was captivated by the rocks and crystals, and the ‘beautiful houses…’ quotation will stay with me – very subtle, and something for us to share.’

A quote from Visitor