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Image 1 A page from John Ruskin's diary (1851-52), featuring a list from 29 August - 3 October
Image 2 Part of the illuminated address presented to John Ruskin on his 80th birthday in 1899
Image 3 John Ruskin's Diary, opposite page with entry for 19 June 1944
Image 4 John Ruskin's Diary, in Sallenche on Sunday 10 September 1882
Image 5 Music by John Ruskin
Image 6 John Ruskin's Diary, in Reims on Tuesday 15 August 1882
Image 7 Account Book of John James Ruskin, 1845-63, showing his charitable donations and gifts for 1853
Image 8 Flora of Chamouni, 1844, from an album of pressed flowers with notes by John Ruskin
Image 9 John Ruskin's Diary, c. 21 June 1844