2020-2021 Seminar Series: 'Ruskin Beyond Britain'

The Ruskin Seminar Series brings specialist guest-speakers to Lancaster.
In 2020-2021, we explore the international significance of Ruskin’s legacy in our seminar series ‘Ruskin Beyond Britain’.
The series will place Ruskin’s legacy in a global context, featuring presentations from an international community of researchers who are exploring how Ruskin’s ideas have affected societies from Russia to Brazil, from America to Italy, and from France to China.
Each seminar will include a presentation and response, followed by questions and discussion with participants. The Ruskin Seminar Series is free, online and open to all. To join, book online using the title links below. If you would like to join The Ruskin’s reading group, email the-ruskin@lancaster.ac.uk.
Professor Laurence Roussillon-Constanty: Found in Translation - A French Perspective on Ruskin
16.00 – 17.30, 19 November 2020
Response: Professor Dinah Birch CBE, BA, MA, DPhil, FRSA, FEA
Professor Claudio Amaral: John Ruskin, Rui Barbosa and the Industrialization of Brazil
16.00 – 17.30, 10 December 2020
Response: Professor Ruth Conroy Dalton
Dr Nan Zhang: ‘The Cultivated and Observant Eye’ - Ruskin, China, and the Art of Living
12.00 – 13.30, 28 January 2021
Response: Professor Jianxin Zhou
Dr Suzanne Fagence Cooper: Storm Clouds and the Sea of Ice - Ruskin in the Alps
16.00 – 17.30, 25 February 2021
Response: Andrew Hill
Professor Michael J. Hughes: A Ruskinian View of Russia?
16.00 – 17.30, 18 March 2021
Response: Professor Charlotte Alston
Gabriel Meyer: Ruskin and the California Dream
16.00 – 17.30, 22 April 2021
Response: Dr Chris Donaldson
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