Dr Amy Valach is an atmopheric scientist working for the British Antarctic Survey. She has a PhD in Environmental Sciences and an Ecology degree from Lancaster University. Her area of research interest is to understand the effects of surface exchanges to the atmosphere in the Earth system.
  • Jaguar with infrared camera masthead

    The Green Ocean

    PhD student Amy Valach, recently returned from her first visit to the tropics, describes a research project which is measuring trace gas emissions from pristine forest and her first encounters with Amazonian wildlife. 

  • Science on an ice shelf - working in Antarctica

    Dr Amy Valach, who recently finished a PhD in Environmental Science at Lancaster University, writes about her work as a research scientist at the Halley Research Station. Earlier this year she featured on a BBC Horizon programme about Halley, called “Ice Station”.

  • From Lancaster to Antarctica, via Amazonia

    Dr Amy Valach describes her journey from studying an Ecology degree at Lancaster University to becoming a research scientist working in Antarctica for the British Antarctic Survey.