Dr Kathy Chandler
Lecturer in Technology Enhanced LearningResearch Overview
I am a Lecturer in Technology Enhanced Learning. I research the experiences of students and educators. I am interested in the relationship between people and technology, the affordances of online spaces, how we build communities in those spaces and how we use technology to make high quality education more equitable and accessible. The development of community, trust and a sense of belonging cannot be taken for granted in an online context but must be created. Care in education - something that until recently was positioned in the feminist domain - is increasingly recognized as important for all educators to consider.
Career Details
My background is originally in healthcare. More recently, I have had many years’ experience of online distance education, both as an educator and a student, and in supporting colleagues to develop their skills in inclusive online teaching. I have previously worked as a lecturer in the Institute of Educational Technology at The Open University.
PhD Supervision Interests
I am interested in PhD supervision in the areas of care in education; online teaching and learning; critical digital pedagogy; and online communities. I specialize in narrative approaches to research.
Digitisation and education: an interdisciplinary exploration of new and emerging questions and approaches
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience
MYFest 2024
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience
- Centre for Technology Enhanced Learning