The ORCID® organisation gives researchers and contributors a unique, persistent identifier that helps your work to be distinguished and recognised across the research landscape.
Author disambiguation: An ORCID identifier is unique and allows you to associate variants of your name to the same iD. This allows you to correctly attribute all your research outputs and get the credit for them.
Mandatory requirements: ORCID is currently mandated by Wellcome Trust and NIHR for their grant applications and is recommended to be mandatory for the next REF.
Permanent lifespan: Your ORCID identifier is unique for you and belongs to you for life. Changing institutions or names does not affect your iD.
International standard: ORCID is an international standard which transcends discipline, geographic, national and international boundaries.
Supported by funders, associations and publishers: ORCID is embedded in many funder grant application requirements. It is supported by many professional organisations, such as APA, AAAS, IEEE, MLA and many others, and across a large range of publishers eg Elsevier, IOP, NPG, and many others.
What is ORCID? from ORCID on Vimeo.
How do I get an ORCID identifier?
The easiest way to create an ORCID identifier is from Pure.
If you do not have a Pure profile, create your iD from the Adding an ORCID. -
I already have an ORCID identifier. Where do I store it?
At Lancaster University, your ORCID identifier should be stored in Pure. If you know your iD, then find out how to add it to Pure – Adding an ORCID
How is ORCID useful to me?
An ORCID identifier helps you easily and reliably link your unique identity with your contributions and research activities and ensures that these are correctly linked to you. Include your ORCID iD on your webpage, when you submit publications, apply for grants, and in any research workflow to ensure you get credit for your work. You can maintain all of your key information in one place.
ORCID is interoperable with multiple systems and institutions, making it easy to share information about your research outputs and activities, increasing accuracy and reducing the need to enter the same information multiple times.
How does ORCID differ from other digital identifiers for researchers?
ORCID is independent of publishers, unlike ResearcherID (Web of Science) or Scopus ID (Scopus). Publishers are moving to include ORCID so:
- in Scopus an ORCID identifier can be used as an author search and is displayed in the author profile. If you have a Scopus ID you can import this, along with your list of publications, into your ORCID profile, using the Scopus Author Feedback Wizard
- in Web of Science you can search by your ORCID iD in the Author Identifiers field and it is shown in the author information. You can associate a ResearchID with an ORCID account
Do I have to submit my research outputs to ORCID?
No, this is voluntary but one benefit of doing so will be to take advantage of any existing or future integrations with other academic ID or profile systems, eg ResearcherID, Scopus ID, ResearchGate, Mendeley. Submitting the publications you already have on Pure to ORCID is simple to set up and thereafter automatic.
Is my information secure on ORCID?
ORCID has a comprehensive privacy policy that governs use of information shared with ORCID via the Registry, feedback forums, help desk requests and membership enquiries.
You can control the privacy settings of your own ORCID record through various opt-in and opt-out features, so you can control how your information is published on and shared via the ORCID Registry.
Which other UK Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) use ORCID?
Many UK HEIs currently are ORCID members. Imperial College, University of York, University of Oxford, University of Cambridge and UCL are just a few HEIs who have adopted ORCID.
Where can I find more information on ORCID?
You can visit the ORCID website.
Contact openaccess@lancaster.ac.uk with any questions or comments.