Open Collections
In working towards our 2025 vision, we have dedicated ourselves to making our collections and research more accessible and inclusive. Through a range of initiatives we have co-curated and co-created dynamic collections that serve both our university community and wider society. Our commitment to open research and community partnerships has been at the heart of our efforts, ensuring that knowledge is shared widely and equitably. This page outlines some examples of projects we have developed aligning with the theme of Open Collections.
Open collections are essential democratising access to knowledge. In this age of misinformation, it is essential that research is available to all, free from any barriers to access or usage such as paywalls or restrictive copyright clauses. We at Lancaster University Library are deeply committed to open collections and sharing knowledge as widely and freely as possible, including through sector leading initiatives such as Lancaster Digital Collections and Trailblazers open monographs.
Find out more about the Humphry Davy project
In January 2024 we launched the Trailblazers Open Access Books scheme in partnership with Liverpool University Press, the University of Liverpool and the University of Salford. The scheme provides selected Early Career Researchers with the opportunity to publish a funded Open Access Book who otherwise might not have the chance to do so, and participate in a series of author boot camps to develop their publication skills. The scheme aligns to our library vision ‘to connect, innovate and include’ and to our long-standing commitment to Open Research.
Find out more about Trailblazers.png)
Find out more about the Open Book Futures project