Pentland Centre Advisory Board
Our advisory board consists of individuals from outside academia who have a professional commitment to sustainability in business, and bring a range of perspectives that can help to inform the direction of our work.

Paul Druckman
Paul Druckman is Chairman of the World Benchmarking Alliance and a Trustee of organisations including Accounting for Sustainability which was established by King Charles III and Shift (Human Rights). He is also on the Impact Investing Advisory Council and the Workiva ESG Advisory Council amongst others. He is an Honorary Professor at Durham Business School.
Paul is a Chartered Accountant who built his own software company before becoming a non-executive director for companies including in the past being Chairman of the Board of Clear Insurance Management Group and the Access Technology Group.
Other highlights in the past have also included being President of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales (ICAEW): member of The Takeover Panel; the founding CEO of the International Integrated Reporting Council; a Board member of the UK government regulator (FRC) and Chairman of UK accounting standards.