Lake District Farmers Knowledge Transfer Partnership

A group of cows grazing beneath trees in Cumbria, UK.

Lake District Farmers Knowledge Transfer Partnership

[Image credit: Terry Kearney, cropped to 1200x400px, CC BY-NC 2.0]

Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs) are supported by Innovate UK and are co-funded and co-designed projects which link business and universities together to deliver innovative projects.

The Centre is part of a KTP that commenced in 2023, focused on how farmers can move towards net-zero meat production. Our partners in this are Lake District Farmers (LDF) and soil scientists in the Lancaster Environment Centre.

Lake District Farmers were founded in 2009 with a mission to facilitate quality-driven and sustainable supply chains for livestock farmers in Cumbria and the Lake District.

This KTP examines the extent to which changes to on-farm practices may influence the farm carbon balance as well as understanding the financial outcomes from environmentally regenerative inspired decisions.

If you are interested in this work, or think that a Knowledge Transfer Project may be suitable for your business, contact Professor Jan Bebbington.

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