Ageing and Neurosciences
Our research focuses on normal ageing in model organisms and the molecular mechanisms leading to brain dysfunction and degeneration in various neuronal and psychiatric disorders.
Bioscience research at Lancaster University is split between two departments - Biomedical and Life Sciences and Lancaster Environment Centre. Each department has their own specialities and brings their own unique expertise to create ground-breaking research.
Our research focuses on normal ageing in model organisms and the molecular mechanisms leading to brain dysfunction and degeneration in various neuronal and psychiatric disorders.
Our research is aimed at understanding the cellular and molecular basis of cancer to develop better ways of preventing, diagnosing and treating the disease.
Our research develops an understanding of the cell biology of protozoan parasites and yeast. This is important to medical parasitology, but also to exploiting micro-organisms as models of human cellular function.
Our research uses molecular, behavioural and ecological techniques to understand how ecosystems function, how they respond to global change, and how they can be managed to enhance biodiversity and its associated services.
We work from the molecular to the crop scale with researchers and end-users of research, in both the natural (e.g. plant and soil ecology) and social sciences. Our particular strength is applying our research to provide solutions to real-world problems, particularly in relation to Agri-Food Challenges.
Our research is focused on the effects of global change and human activity on the form and function of terrestrial systems, particularly around the interactions between plants and the soil.