Writing Learning Outcomes

All programmes and modules should have clearly written aims and learning outcomes (LOs). The central importance of LOs is that they support the planning of learning for both the teacher and the student.

Learning outcomes support teachers to communicate the programme and module objectives, and ensure alignment between the different programme elements, such as the assessment strategy and your learning and teaching approach. Remember, students are assessed on, and measured against the module learning outcomes.

Additionally, they provide a benchmark for learning in compliance with Quality Assurance Agency, subject benchmark statements, and where appropriate, LOs form part of accreditation and approval of qualifications for specific Professional Statutory Regulatory Bodies (PSRBs).

Getting Started . . .

The short guides below aim to support your thinking about programme and module learning outcomes.

Listen to the following colleague talking about their practice and the importance of learning outcomes.

Learning Outcomes: an overview

A short overview on writing clear learning outcomes.

Examples of Good Practice

Jan Grabowski

Jan Grabowski is a Senior Lecturer in Algebra and Geometry in the School of Mathematical Sciences.