Examples of publications arising from programme assignments
- Blanco-Bayo, A. (2020). “It doesn’t matter because I love you”. A case study examining the interpretation of behaviour classification tables and positive behaviour support models. Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties, 15(1), 1-14.
- Boukydis, O. (2023) The Gray Panther Movement as a Model for Intergenerational Approaches and Late-Life Activism: A Critical Cosmopolitan Perspective. Journal of Intergenerational Relationships.
- Cogavin, D. (2023). Labour-power production and the skills agenda in lifelong learning: A critical policy analysis of the Skills and Post-16 Education Act 2022. Policy Futures.
- Golding, D. (2021). ‘We are helpless, we are not the authority’: colonial governmentality in a Sri Lankan transnational education institution. Compare: a Journal of Comparative and International Education.
- Golding, D. (2017). Border cosmopolitanism in critical peace education. Journal of peace education, 14(2), 155-175.
- Golding, D. (2018). The colonial and neoliberal roots of the public-private education debate in Sri Lanka. Journal for critical education policy studies, 16(1), 145-174.
- Hatley, J. (2019). Universal values as a barrier to the effectiveness of global citizenship education: A multimodal critical discourse analysis. International Journal of Development Education and Global Learning, 11(1), 87–102.
- Lee, M. (2021). Do learning support assistants’ perceptions of their role support the capability approach? A small-scale study in a Jordanian international school. Journal of Research in International Education.
- Mackenzie, L. (2021). Low attendance on a peer tutoring scheme for English language learners | ELT Journal | Oxford Academic. ELT Journal
- Mackenzie, L. (2021). Theorising English as a Linguistic Capability: A Look at the Experiences of Economically Disadvantaged Higher Education Students in Colombia. Journal of Human Development and Capabilities.
- Mackenzie, L. (2021). Linguistic imperialism, English, and development: implications for Colombia. Current Issues in Language Planning.
- Mackenzie, L. (2020). A critical evaluation of the social justice implications of the Colombian government’s English-Spanish bilingualism policies, Current Issues in Language Planning, 21(2), 117-134.
- Mackenzie, L. (2020). A Case of Capability Expansion or Capability Reduction? An Exploration of Loan Recipients’ Views of ICETEX: Colombia’s Higher Education Student Loans Institute. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education.
- Mackenzie, L. (2019). "Evaluation of an English language peer tutoring intervention", International Journal of Educational Management, 34(5), 869-880.
- McGrath, P. (2024). Examining the Impact of the Recognition of Irish Traveller Ethnic Minority Status on Education through the Lens of Nancy Fraser. Journal of Critical Education Policy Studies, 22(1).
- Sherman, P.D. (2019). The cultivation and emergence of global citizenship identity. Citizenship Teaching & Learning, 14(1), 7-25.
- Sherman, P.D. (2016). Preparing social workers for global gaze: locating global citizenship within social work curricula. Social Work Education, 35(6), 632-642.
- Sherman, P.D. (2016). Value creating education and the Capability Approach: A comparative analysis of Soka education’s facility to promote wellbeing and social justice. Cogent Education, 3(1)
- Sherman, P.D. (2016). Using RUFDATA to guide a logic model for a quality assurance process in an undergraduate university program. Evaluation and Program Planning, 55, 112-119
- Talbot, D. (2023). Knowledge, Knowers, and Capabilities: Can the Capabilities Approach Help Decolonise the Curriculum?. Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, 24(2), 216-233.
- Talbot, D. (2023). Knowledge, knowers, and power: understanding the ‘power’ of powerful knowledge. Journal of Curriculum Studies.
- Vincent, J. (2019). It’s the fear of the unknown: transition from higher education for young autistic adults. Autism: International Journal of Research and Practice, 23(6), 1575-1585.
- Vincent J., Potts M., Fletcher D., Hodges S., Howells J., Mitchell A. and Mallon B. (2016). I think autism is like running on Windows while everyone else is a Mac’: using a participatory action research approach with students on the autistic spectrum to rearticulate autism and the lived experience of university Educational Action Research, 25(2), 300-315.
- Vincent, J. (2016). Transition from secondary to higher education: an evaluation of a pre-entry transition programme for students on the autistic spectrum. The Journal of Inclusive Practice in further and higher education, 7(2), 53-63.
- Ward, E. (2021). Easing stress: Contract grading’s impact on adolescents’ perceptions of workload demands, time constraints, and challenge appraisal in high school English. Assessing Writing, 48, 100526.
- Ward, E. (2021). An integrated mixed-methods study of contract grading’s impact on adolescents’ perceptions of stress in high school English: a pilot study. Assessing Writing, 48, 100508.
- Watson, E. (2023). Achieving High Goals: The Impact of Contract Grading on High School Students' Academic Performance, Avoidance Orientation, and Social Comparison. Journal of Writing Assessment, 16(1).