
In order for you all to reside in an environment that is conducive to both your wellbeing and academic progress, disciplinary matters are viewed in a fair but firm manner in Fylde. We take the health and safety of all our students very seriously.

Our Dean

Our Dean is Michael Barrow and he maintains the disciplinary system in Fylde.

Michael is helped by three College Community Assistants who are postgraduate students living in the Fylde Residences.

Should you have an issue that you would like to bring attention to the Deanery please email:

You should report loud noise or disturbances in the residences to the porters 01524 593401, at any time of night or day.

College and University Rules

All students are subject to the University Rules which may be found in the Student Discipline Regulations.

All students living on campus are subject to the terms and conditions found in the .

Disciplinary Procedures

If a breach of disciplinary rules has occurred, a student may be summoned to a hearing with the College Dean.

The student is permitted to be accompanied by a fellow student, a representative from the Student Union, the Fylde CAT or other member of University staff.

Failure to attend a summons without good reason will result in a fine.

Full procedure for the process and for any appeal may be found in the University Rules.

The Deanery would like to make you aware of fines that will be applied if particular rules in the Residences and University Rules are broken:-

Standard Noise Fine £20

Exam Period Noise Fine £40

Smoking in Residences £50

Infringement of Electronic Copyright £25

Tampering with Fire Safety Equipment £300

Please be reminded to read your Residents’ Handbook. If you are summoned to a meeting with the Deanery, the excuse of ‘I did not know’ will not be accepted.