The Lancaster call team

Introducing our Student Call Team!

Our Call Team are 38 Lancaster students with a range of degree majors and backgrounds. They talk to our alumni and friends to give information about the University and encourage them to support The Lancaster University Opportunity Fund

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We want to make a difference

The Friends Programme is a long-term fundraising initiative which has been going since 2001. It aims to raise funds from our alumni and friends to support the University. Our call team is just one aspect of the fundraising activities here at Lancaster University. Our student callers are enthusiastic and dedicated students who truly want to make a difference to our University.

Student call team gesturing with hands to call them.

About us

Our team really look forward to speaking with you and if you would like to be called, please contact James March. We operate call shifts October-November, Late January-March, Late-April-Early May and one week in June. We call our alumni and friends in the United Kingdom and the United States of America. If you would like to be called and live in a different country, please contact us.

The number our students call from is 01524 510782.

Our Student Callers

A black woman wearing a bright red top and smiling at the camera on a sunny day.
Tadi Kativhu, student caller

Tadi - Psychology Student and Student Caller

Why did you become a member of the Call Team?

I became a member of the College 1000 team after a friend recommended me to join a team where we could help fundraise for the University, by speaking to alumni. When I found out that the money raised actually benefits us as students directly, I wanted to be involved in helping other students, whilst having the chance to speak to many different people from a wide scope of backgrounds. When I found out about many of the different causes we support such as Defying Dementia, I knew this was something I wanted to be a part of!

What is it like speaking to Alumni?

At first I was really nervous about speaking to Alumni, however now, I find it amazing hearing everyone’s stories about university, and how Lancaster University has benefitted them in their lives. I often just love to laugh and hear funny anecdotes about people’s flatmates and times in societies. It’s also wonderful to hear how people’s journeys change, and though they started on one path, life led them to another.

Why would you encourage people to donate to Lancaster University?

I would encourage alumni to donate to Lancaster University as it is a fantastic opportunity to give back to a place which helped them in their career, but it’s also a fantastic opportunity to support students who are here now. The many causes that Lancaster supports not only impacts students but the life of others in Lancaster and around the world. It’s an amazing chance for people to give a little, but impact so many lives through donating.

Frequently Asked Questions


Contact Us

By Post

Philanthropy, Alumni and Supporter Engagement
C Floor
University House
Lancaster University
Bailrigg, Lancaster
United Kingdom

By Phone

+44 (0)1524 594109

We're here Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm

By Email

To contact a member of our team directly.

Fundraising Promise

Lancaster University is committed to ensuring that our fundraising is legal, open, honest and respectful.

View our Fundraising Promise and Formal Complaints Process.