David Milman offers his insights on Property and Bankruptcy to Insolvency Practitioners

David Milman

As part of his Knowledge Exchange activities Professor Milman has delivered talks in Leeds and Manchester on Property Law Aspects of Personal Insolvency. To be more precise, these papers considered the extended nature of the legal concept of “property” within the context of Bankruptcy Law and how bankruptcy policy has affected characterisation of a range of items as property. These presentations formed part of the Exchange Chambers Annual Insolvency Conference (16/17 October 2019). A broad spectrum of some 150 insolvency practitioners were in attendance at the two events comprising this Conference. David Milman, who has been a Professorial Associate at Exchange Chambers since 2010, firmly believes that academics can gain much from participating in such events, as information gleaned from engaging with practitioners can do much to bridge the gap between “law in the books” and “law in practice”.

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