Dr Siobhan Weare co-edits new special issue of Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice

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Co-edited with Dr Margaret Fitzgerald-O'Reilly, Dr Susan Leahy (University of Limerick), and Dr Catherine O'Sullivan (University College Cork), the special issue brings together a variety of international and multi-disciplinary perspectives on female sex offending. The special issue aims to highlight the importance of exploring an under-researched area and to add to understanding of the many forms that sexual violence can take. Novel data and insights are provided on prevalence and predictors of female-perpetrated sexual violence, the lived experiences of victims, and criminal justice system responses.

Dr Siobhan Weare also co-authors an article within the special issue with Dr Elizabeth Bates (University of Cumbria) on 'Sexual violence as a form of abuse in men's experiences of female-perpetrated intimate partner violence'.

Find out more about the special issue here.

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