Dr Andrea Canclini
Lecturer in ArchitectureProfile
I’m currently Lecturer in Architecture at the School of Architecture at Lancaster University, former Lecturer at the Faculty of Architecture of the Politecnico di Milano, where I was teaching for the past four years the subjects of Theory in Contemporary Architectural Design and Design Studio, and Visiting Professor at the Beirut Arab University.
I participated in several international activities, symposia and conferences, among others at the PhD School in Politecnico di Milano, The Courtauld Institute of Art at the University of London, the Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia, the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in Brussels, the Architectural Humanities Research Association Conference 2021 at Loughborough University, the Jade Universität, The Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain; I organised and chaired a session at the EAHN European Architectural History Network 2022 at ETSAM Madrid, and appointed as Head of the Scientific Committee for the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the VII CIAM in Bergamo 2019 organised by the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies of Politecnico di Milano.
I published articles, in Scopus indexed journals such as ‘The Plan Journal’ and ‘aut aut’, the leading Italian journal of aesthetic philosophy, as well as book chapters and peer-reviewed conference proceedings in Italy, Portugal, Turkey, China, England, Lebanon, Scotland, Belgium, Austria and Germany about my main research topics: the cultural basis of Modern and Contemporary architectural criticism.
Research Interests
My main area of research is the criticism and history of modern and contemporary architecture and its cultural foundations. This includes my doctoral thesis at the Politecnico di Torino, which focused on the nature and role of French theory in the American architectural discourse of the 1970s and 1980s, including the relations between Europe and the United States and the ways in which they moved between them, and the ways in which they were translated between different disciplines and received in the professional and design spheres.
More recently, I have extended this research to modern and contemporary architecture in Japan, and its relationship and reception with the Western world, in both directions.
Another area of research concerns borders, areas and spaces of exception, refuge and reception, such as all kinds of camps.
Current Teaching
ARCH203 | Advanced Technology and Professional Skills (Module Tutor)
ARCH204 | Architectural Humanities (Module Tutor)
ARCH405 | Architectural Humanities (Module Convenor)
ARCH505 | Architectural Humanities (Module Tutor)
PhD Supervision Interests
History, Criticism, Theory in Architecture. My main areas of research are: the criticism and history of modern and contemporary architecture and its cultural foundations, including the relations between Europe and the United States and the ways in which it moves between them, and the ways in which it is translated between different disciplines and received in the professional and design spheres; modern and contemporary architecture in Japan and its relations and reception with the Western world, in both directions; and the concept of borders, areas and spaces of exception, refuge and reception, such as all kinds of camps. I am open to supporting candidates interested in researching these camps.
Architecture and Phenomenology
Participation in conference - Academic
Midlands Conference In Critical Thought 2024
Participation in conference - Academic
Social Design Symposium
Participation in conference - Academic
Khorein. Journal for Architecture and Philosophy (External organisation)
Membership of board
END. Architecture and Philosophy Face to Face
Participation in conference - Academic
Politecnico di Milano Department of Architecture and Urban Studies
Visiting an external academic institution
Aesthetics of Sustainability
Participation in conference - Academic
Histories of Postwar Architecture (Journal)
Publication peer-review
Towards an Architectural Theory for Sustainability
Participation in conference - Academic
Plan Journal (Journal)
Publication peer-review
Postmodern Paradigms Linguistic Theory, Phenomenology, Contemporary Sublime, Complexity Sciences
Invited talk
Politecnico di Milano Department of Architecture and Urban Studies
Visiting an external academic institution
Politecnico di Milano Department of Architecture and Urban Studies
Visiting an external academic institution
Loughborough University School of Architecture Building and Civil Engineering
Visiting an external academic institution
Architectural Theory for Sustainability
Participation in conference - Academic
The Zero Degree of Architectural Writing
Participation in conference - Academic
Royal Institute of British Architects (External organisation)
Member of an organisation
Times and Challenges in Urban History
Participation in conference - Academic
Building Technology and Culture in the Asia-Pacific Region: Histories and Projects
Participation in conference - Academic
PRODUKTE | PRODUCTS Design and Research in Architecture & Landscape
Participation in conference - Academic
Didactics of Architectural Theory
Participation in conference - Academic
EAHN European Architectural History NetworkInternational Conference - Madrid 2022
Participation in conference - Academic
Norwegian University of Science and Technology Department of Architecture and Technology
Visiting an external academic institution
Loughborough University School of Architecture Building and Civil Engineering
Visiting an external academic institution
Loughborough University School of Architecture Building and Civil Engineering
Visiting an external academic institution
The Architecture of Borderlands
Participation in conference - Academic
Loughborough University School of Architecture Building and Civil Engineering
Visiting an external academic institution
Loughborough University School of Architecture Building and Civil Engineering
Visiting an external academic institution
Loughborough University School of Architecture Building and Civil Engineering
Visiting an external academic institution
Ri-Vista. Research for Landscape Architecture (Journal)
Publication peer-review
Manchester School of Architecture
Visiting an external academic institution
Politecnico di Milano Department of Architecture and Urban Studies
Visiting an external academic institution
Architects Registration Board (External organisation)
Member of an organisation
8th Annual International Conference "Region"Architectural Humanities Research Association AHRA
Participation in conference - Academic
Oxford Brookes School of Architecture
Visiting an external academic institution
Politecnico di Milano Department of Architecture and Urban Studies
Visiting an external academic institution
Young Visionary Architecture Competition 2021. Jury Member
Politecnico di Milano Department of Architecture and Urban Studies
Visiting an external academic institution
Politecnico di Milano Department of Architecture and Urban Studies
Visiting an external academic institution
Politecnico di Milano Department of Architecture and Urban Studies
Visiting an external academic institution
BAU Journal - Creative Sustainable Development (Journal)
Publication peer-review
Beirut Arab University
School Engagement
BAU Journal - Creative Sustainable Development (Journal)
Publication peer-review
BAU Journal - Creative Sustainable Development (Journal)
Editorial activity
The New Grid CIAM Second Life
Invited talk
CIAM 7(0) Bergamo 1949-2019
Participation in conference - Academic
CIAM 7(0) Bergamo 1949-2019
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience
Beirut Design Week 2019. Design & Nostalgia
Participation in conference - Academic
CIAM 7(0) Bergamo 1949-2019
Participation in conference - Academic
BAU Journal - Creative Sustainable Development (Journal)
Publication peer-review
Politecnico di Milano Department of Architecture and Urban Studies
Visiting an external academic institution
Workshop Coordinator of Design Studio Workshop ‘Theory and Methodology of Design Process. Intermediate Spaces’
Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Politecnico di Milano Department of Architecture and Urban Studies
Visiting an external academic institution
IGI Global Publishing (Publisher)
Editorial activity
Rivista di Estetica (Journal)
Publication peer-review
Politecnico di Torino School of Architecture
Visiting an external academic institution
Fantasy in Reality. Architecture, Representation, Reproduction
Participation in conference - Academic
Architectural Humanities Research Association AHRA14th Annual Research Students Symposium. 'Research as Open Work’
Participation in conference - Academic
Theory’s History 1960-1990. Challenges in the Historiography of Architectural Knowledge
Participation in conference - Academic
Philosophy and Architecture. Social Inequalities and Cities
Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Ethic of Re-Production
Participation in conference - Academic
IGI Global, Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA. (Publisher)
Editorial activity
IGI Global Publishing (Publisher)
Editorial activity
ARCHTHEO ’15 IX Theory and History of Architecture Conference
Participation in conference - Academic
Roberto Gabetti e Aimaro Isola: i progetti e le opere
The Site of Discourse. Thinking Architecture Through Publication
Participation in conference - Academic
La Città. VI Seminario Interdisciplinare dei Dottorandi Dottori di ricerca e Ricercatori
Participation in conference - Academic
Excellence Course ‘Theoretical Assumptions of Architecture’
Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Doctoral Program in ‘History and Theory of Architecture’ETH Zürich Institute gta
Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Tradizione e modernità. L’influenza dell’architettura ordinaria nel moderno
Participation in conference - Academic
Preliminary Study for the Development of the Convent of Saint Christ to New Functions
Fellowship awarded competitively
'CIAM 7(0) BERGAMO 1949-2019' Celebrations of the 70th Anniversary of VII CIAM in Bergamo, 1949-2019
Fellowship awarded competitively
PhD Scholarship funded by the Italian Ministry of Research and University
PhD Scholarship funded by the Italian Ministry of Research and University for PhD Research Activities Abroad
Quality Award of Politecnico di Torino as Best PhD Student 2015
- Cultures
- Imagination Lancaster
- School of Architecture
- Social Design