How the College Works
Structure & Governance
Within Bowland College, staff and students work together to make sure the college runs smoothly and fairly. The Junior Common Room Executive (JCR Exec) are an elected body who work closely with the college staff team to support and represent your interests.
Bowland JCR Exec is made up of a group of students elected by students. They are here to represent student views, organise socials and campaigns and provide opportunities for students to get involved in events and activities taking place in the College. They also work closely with College Officers to ensure students have the best experience during their time at Bowland College. The JCR meet regularly as a team and the President and the Vice President also attend meetings with College Officers and are part of the College Management Committee. Meet the JCR Exec. To find out about JCR activities and events, have a look at the college Facebook page.
The staff team are known as College Officers, and work closely with the Junior Common Room to ensure the college services and spaces are supporting your interests. All staff at the university are members of a college, and they too can play a part in helping to run the college and attending social events. Colleges are about being part of a community and this extends to staff as well as students.
College Officers and the JCR President, along with the JCR Vice Presidents belong to the College Management Committee, the committee meets once a month in term time and makes decisions on the day to day running of the College.
The College Syndicate includes all staff members of the college and all members of the JCR Executive. The Syndicate reports to the University Senate and meets once per term to oversee the running of the college, agree on strategy and constitutional amendments.
The College Principal is our representative at University Senate.