Awards, Grants & Scholarships
Financial Awards
The college offers some financial awards you may be eligible to apply for. Full details of all financial support awards can be found on the University Student Funding page.
Three awards of up to £500 each, available to first year commuter students from the Lancashire and Cumbria regions. Students with dependents who have costs associated with child-care, and students with a disability are eligible for this award. All commuting first year students who are members of Bowland College and who have a home address postcode within the Lancashire or Cumbria region and meet the criteria are eligible to apply.
Please submit a letter of application to Lorna Harrison at bowland@lancaster.ac.uk stating your full name and address, course of study and Lancaster University Student ID number, and an explanation, on no more than one A4 page, as to what your specific circumstances are and how the scholarship would help you. Please provide any evidence you feel is relevant in support of your application.
The application period will open on Monday 30 September 2024 until 5pm on Friday 1 November 2024.
Applications may be made for community engagement awards from Bowland students to broaden their horizons, experience other cultures, develop their skills and self-confidence, and make a positive difference in some way. A maximum of two awards of £250 each will be made during the academic year.
For example, students may want to help in orphanages, schools and medical centres in developing countries, organise or take part in cultural exchanges, and volunteer on conservation projects, in museums and at historically important sites. These awards are intended to cover the student’s essential costs where they cannot be met elsewhere.
We are unable to provide funding for compulsory elements of courses, such as participation in field trips. For support related to graduate employment opportunities, such as interviews and assessment days, please refer to the Bowland College Career Acceleration Award.
Please contact Lorna Harrison to request an application form.
Applications will be considered throughout the year, but the activity must be completed before graduation.
Once the allocated funding for the year has been awarded, no further applications will be considered.
Part II members of Bowland College can apply for financial support of up to £100 to support activities deemed to enhance graduate employability prospects such as, travel costs and reasonable expenses associated with attending interviews, assessment centres, vacation schemes, and company open days. A maximum of ten awards will be made during the academic year.
Please note that if you are in receipt of a Lancaster Bursary you must first apply for the Grow Your Future Careers Bursary instead.
Bowland students without a Lancaster Bursary will be prioritized for the Career Acceleration Award.
These awards are intended to cover the student’s essential costs where they cannot be met elsewhere. Students’ individual circumstances will be taken into consideration.
Proof of attendance must be provided with the application form e.g. Invite to Interview confirmation (and associated travel receipts after interview).
Applications will be considered throughout the year, but the activity must be completed before graduation. A maximum of three applications per Part II will be considered, with no more than one per term permitted.
Please contact Lorna Harrison to request an application form.
Once the allocated funding for the year has been awarded, no further applications will be considered.
The Careers service can help you with the recruitment process - see their online guidance on CVs, Applications and Interviews.
In honour of former Bowland Student William Mercer, this fund is designed to assist in paying for expenses directly linked to College or University student engagement activities, such as college club fees, kit purchase, society fees or Sports Centre membership, up to a maximum of £75.
The award has been established to encourage new experiences and interests where the costs of participating might be a significant barrier.
Applicants must be able to demonstrate involvement in such events will positively enhance their student experience.
Priority will be given to:
- students seeking new engagements
- students in receipt of the Lancaster Bursary
Evidence of activity costs should be submitted with the application form.
Only students who are members of Bowland College are eligible to apply.
Applications can be submitted at any point during the academic year, however there is a maximum of ten awards made per year, once reached, no further applications will be considered. Retrospective applications will not be considered.
Please contact Lorna Harrison to request an application form.
This fund is designed to help Bowland students purchase clothing for an upcoming interview or for a new role they have been appointed to.
We know that first impressions are important when attending an interview, and not being able to afford appropriate interview clothing can be a barrier for many. We also know that buying clothes for a new job is challenging when waiting for your first pay day to come.
An award of £75 can be made in the form of a gift card if your application is successful to help you purchase appropriate clothing. We cannot provide cash payments.
There is a finite amount of money available and once funds are exhausted applications will close.
Please note that you cannot apply for clothing for a role you are already employed in, or for a new role where you will be provided with a uniform, or a clothing allowance.
Once you have completed your application, please forward your interview confirmation letter or confirmation of employment to bowland@lancaster.ac.uk. You may be required to provide evidence of your current bank balance.
Please complete the Workwear Wardrobe Fund. Applicants are welcome to discuss their situation with the College Manager.
If you have any queries please email bowland@lancaster.ac.uk for more information.
The College has a university-managed laptop that can be loaned out for a maximum of two weeks. The hire period cannot extend beyond the end of term, except in exceptional circumstances.
There are terms and conditions attached to the loan hire which must be agreed to before the loan can commence.
For a copy of the terms and conditions or to discuss laptop hire please email bowland@lancaster.ac.uk.
Laptops can also be loaned for a maximum of three hours from the Library. For more information please visit the Library website.
Celebratory Awards

The Bevington Award
The Bevington Award is given for outstanding academic performances by Bowland students in their first year and is in honour of Professor John Bevington, the first Principal of Bowland College from 1964 until 1966.
Congratulations to our 2024 award winners:
- Saad Saleem: Accounting and Finance

The Saunders Award
The Saunders Award is given to final year Bowland students who have made an outstanding contribution to college activities and is in honour of Dr Ian Saunders, Principal of the Bowland College from 1989 to 1999. Recipients of the award are nominated by the student executive and the College staff team.
Congratulations to our 2024 winners:
- Thomas Williams and Matthew Edgerton – For leading A’s football to victory in the college league and at the 2024 Roses competition for the second continuous year.
- Kinga Kupi for three years of dedication to Bowland College in her roles on the JCR Executive, working tirelessly to deliver events, build community and ensuring Bowland continues to be a welcoming and inclusive college for all.