Our Community

A Message from our Principal

The college system is an integral part of life at Lancaster. The County College may be the largest of the nine colleges, but its senior members (University staff) and junior members (students) work together to build a real and long-lasting sense of community.

Within the college, there is support for all activities – from the excellent team of college staff and student officers. The college also provides plenty of opportunities to get involved in all sorts of social, sporting, volunteering and other personal development activities – and for students who really want to make their mark, they can get involved in the running of the college itself and put themselves forward for a position on the JCR Exec.

We strive to ensure that our students feel at home within County and make a smooth transition into life as a student at Lancaster University. We hope you will consider joining us and becoming part of the County family.

Photo of Dr Karen Grant
County Principal, Dr Karen Grant

College Support

Regardless of college, the University provides an outstanding welfare support system. Coming to University is a big change for every individual and sometimes issues can arise. County College has a welfare team that ensures students are given the right kind of support, when they need it.

Students who feel they are struggling with any aspect of University life just need to email countywelfare@lancaster.ac.uk to make contact with a member of the college welfare team.

The College works closely with staff in the Student Mental Health Service and student officers on the JCR Executive to provide an all-inclusive support service to its members. We also run themed campaigns and drop-in sessions throughout the year such as homesickness, exam stress and money worries (often with free food and drink!).

two people talking on a sofa
county townhouses at night


The College Deanery oversees discipline in the college. The primary role of the Dean and Assistant Deans is to promote good communal behaviour within the college. The Deanery investigates alleged breaches of the University non-academic disciplinary code and college rules.

Off Campus Students

Many students will live on campus in their first year but most will live off campus from year 2 onwards. For those students who live off campus, the College offers spaces to socialise and study, and lockers for convenience.

All students can access advice, guidance or support via their college. If you live off campus, you can use the common room as a quiet space to relax between teaching, use the student kitchen to prepare hot drinks and food, or apply for the various college funding programmes to help enhance your student experience whilst at Lancaster.

Lancaster street view - terraced houses
night club scene

JCR Executive

The Junior Common Room Executive (JCR Exec) are a group of students elected annually by their peers within the college to stand for a variety of roles to help run the college and act as ‘the voice’ of the student body. Roles include welfare, events, social media and sports and are a great way to get involved with the College. Students put themselves forward for an officer role in November each year and elections takes place in December.


There are various ways to be involved in Sport at Lancaster University; through the Students’ Union sports teams and societies; through college sports teams; and through individual membership of the Sports centre. College sport is a great way to make friends, stay fit and look after your wellbeing. The most popular sports in County are football, netball and bar sports (darts, table tennis, pool, snooker and dominoes).

However, if you just want to play for fun, The Carter Shield is a termly event where students can represent their College for a one-day tournament in a randomly chosen sport. Previous tournaments have included dodgeball and sitting volleyball!

The date to save for your calendar is the Fylde County Cup (FCC), a clash of County vs Fylde colleges. The weekend event hosts a variety of sports and activities to get everyone involved, and ends with a big night out to celebrate in the Sugar House, the Student Union nightclub in Lancaster.

two girls playing netball