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Research Departments & Groups

Research Departments

The Cyber Security Research Centre (CSRC), home to our active cyber security researchers, is renowned for interdisciplinary cyber security that places individuals at the heart of security decision-making and draws expertise from across the institution in areas including Computer Science, Psychology, Politics Philosophy & Religion, Physics, Sociology, Mathematics & Statistics and Management Science.

  • Computing & Communications

    We are a world-leading department, highly-ranked for research and teaching. Our academic staff have worked in some of the most prestigious institutions in the world.

  • Management School

    An internationally-leading Management School, recognised as one of the few business schools in the world to hold quadruple accreditation.

  • Mathematical Sciences

    The school has grown rapidly to become one of the UK's major centres in mathematics and statistics and has earned a well-deserved reputation for top-quality teaching excellence and world-class research.

  • Physics

    Lancaster University's Physics Department is one of the top in the UK for research. REF2021 rated 100% of our research environments as either being world-leading or internationally excellent.

  • Politics, Philosophy and Religion

    The Department of Politics, Philosophy and Religion (PPR) was formed in 2010, merging the old departments of Politics and International Relations, Philosophy, and Religious Studies.

  • Psychology

    According to the 2021 Research Excellence Framework (REF), 87% of our Psychology Department's publications were rated as world-leading or internationally excellent.

  • Sociology

    The Department plays a key role in interdisciplinary research collaborations at Lancaster with particular research concentrations in science and technology studies.

Multi-Disciplinary Research Areas

The unique blend of inter-disciplinary, systems-centred and resilience-focused research on cyber security has led to a range of innovative research programmes – establishing Lancaster as a leading international centre in cyber security research.