Dr Caroline Swarbrick

Senior Lecturer in Ageing


I joined the Centre for Health Research in February 2019 as Senior Lecturer and have a social science background. My research area focuses on dementia, adopting participatory approaches and using a range of qualitative creative and sensory methods, including film, animation and music-making. My research involves working collaboratively alongside people living with dementia and care partners as co-researchers and have recently completed an Economic and Social Research Council / National Institute for Health Research funded Neighbourhoods and Dementia Study (work programme 1 lead), which was a five year programme (2014-2019) funded under the first Prime Minister’s Challenge on Dementia.

I am the Director of Studies (taught) for the Blended Learning Postgraduate Programmes (PhD and MSc) and for service teaching in the Department of Psychology and Biomedical and Life Sciences. I lead the Theory and Methods Module and convene the Advanced Data Analysis module. I am a member of a range of committees at Divisional, Faculty and University level. I am also the Senior Qualitative Methods Lead for the Research Design Service (Lancashire and South Cumbria).

Prior to joining the Division, I was a Research Fellow and deputy of the Dementia and Ageing Research Team at the University of Manchester. Previous projects include ‘The detection and management of pain in patients with dementia in acute care settings’ (funded by NIHR Health Services and Delivery Research programme), and ‘The value, meaning and purpose of day care’ (funded by Salford Clinical Commissioning Group). I am an Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Manchester.