Dr Neil Dawson

Senior Lecturer in Neuroscience

Research Overview

My research interests are focused on further understanding the mechanisms through which genetic and environmental risk factors for psychiatric, neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative disease impact on brain functioning, behaviour and cognition. I also have a primary interest in developing and validating translational preclinical models for these disorders for utilization in the drug discovery process, in the hope that we can use these models to identify novel drugs to treat these disorders.

Selected Publications

Altered medial prefrontal cortex and dorsal raphé activity predict genotype and correlate with abnormal learning behaviour in a mouse model of autism-associated 2p16.3 deletion
Hughes, R., Whittingham-Dowd, J., Clapcote, S., Broughton, S., Dawson, N. 30/04/2022 In: Autism Research. 15, 4, p. 614-627. 14 p.
Journal article

16p11.2 deletion mice exhibit compromised fronto-temporal connectivity, GABAergic dysfunction, and enhanced attentional ability
Openshaw, R.L., Thomson, D.M., Bristow, G.C., Mitchell, E.J., Pratt, J.A., Morris, B.J., Dawson, N. 24/05/2023 In: Communications Biology. 6, 1, 14 p.
Journal article

Drug-responsive autism phenotypes in the 16p11.2 deletion mouse model: a central role for gene-environment interactions
Mitchell, E.J., Thomson, D.M., Openshaw, R.L., Bristow, G.C., Dawson, N., Pratt, J.A., Morris, B.J. 23/07/2020 In: Scientific Reports. 10, 1, 11 p.
Journal article

Vilnius University (Lithuania)
Visiting an external academic institution

NeuRAL Network Engagement Event

Defying Dementia Day
Public Lecture/ Debate/Seminar

Senior Fellow of Advance HE
Election to learned society

Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Election to learned society

  • Ageing and Neuroscience