European Academy of Design appoints Lancaster professor as president

Professor Leon Cruickshank
Professor Leon Cruickshank

A Lancaster University professor has taken up the presidency of the European Academy of Design (EAD).

Professor of Design and Creative Exchange Leon Cruickshank, a founding member of ImaginationLancaster, the University’s design-led research laboratory, was confirmed as president at the Academy’s 15th conference entitled ‘What got us here won’t get us there’.

The EAD, established in 1995, is a platform for design academics and professionals which focuses on design knowledge research. It seeks to understand how design contributes to the key challenges we face in society, business and communities and how we can work together to improve quality of life and living.

Addressing the conference with more than 300 attendees from four continents, Professor Cruickshank committed to preserve the welcoming, diverse, rigourous, playful and exploratory culture of the EAD.

This will continue his longstanding commitment to doctoral design education and supporting early career researchers as well as more experienced academics to undertake excellent, exploratory design research.

“I am delighted to accept the presidency of the prestigious European Academy of Design,” said Professor Cruickshank.

“The Academy is passionate about promoting design research worldwide and is keen to nurture new talent across disciplines. We support and act as a critical friend to early career academics and doctoral students in addition to welcoming world leading international research.

“This joyful, open, deep-thinking approach reflects not only the core values of ImaginationLancaster but also the ethos of Lancaster University as a whole. I could not be more excited at the future possibilities for the EAD.”

Professor Cruickshank took over the presidency from the outgoing president Professor Louise Valentine, Head of School of Textiles & Design of Heriot-Watt University.

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