Master's level studies
Are you thinking about Master's level studies in Linguistics and English Language? Join one of our information sessions to find out more.
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Our Research
For the last fifty years, we have been known for cutting-edge empirically-based theoretical and applied research in a wide range of research areas. We constantly strive to make links with potential users of our work.
Research Centres and Groups
The department hosts active research groups in areas such as cognitive linguistics, corpus studies, discourse analysis, forensic linguistics, language testing, literacy, phonetics, and second language learning and teaching.
Research Facilities
The Department has outstanding research resources. We have fully equipped laboratories for eye-tracking, phonetics, EEG (Electroencephalography) and child language analysis.
50 years of excellence
Celebrate the 50th anniversary of LAEL with us through a series of community events and public lectures. Stay tuned for the programme coming soon.
50th anniversary
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