National award for Lancaster medical student

Sakshee, who is a Year Two medical student, was the winner in the medical/dental student entry category
Sakshee, who is a Year Two medical student, was the winner in the medical/dental student entry category

Lancaster Medical student Sakshee Ramakrishnan has won an award in the 2023 Healthsense Student Prize Competition.

Sakshee, who is a Year Two medical student, was the winner in the medical/dental student entry category.

She said she was thrilled to have won the award, which was for a critical appraisal of clinical research protocols.

“I really enjoy the population health aspect of our curriculum and this competition embodied exactly that. It is an annual competition and this year I was provided with four hypothetical clinical research protocols that I had to study, analyse and evaluate. Following this I had to rank each protocol (from the protocol most likely to least likely to achieve its aim) accompanied by a written passage containing my reasoning and thought process behind each ranking.

Sakshee’s tutor is Dr Debbie Clift, Senior Clinical Lecturer – General Practice at Lancaster Medical School.

Dr Clift said: “Sakshee has a strong work ethic and it is fantastic to see her personal achievements and efforts recognised nationally.”

Healthsense is a charity which aims to promote evidence and integrity in all forms of medicine and healthcare.

Prize winners will be invited to receive their awards at the HealthSense Award Ceremony in London later this year.

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