LU Hack

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Lancaster University Ethical Hacking Group (LUHack) is a student group for learning and practising ethical hacking techniques in a safe and legal environment.

Lancaster University Hacking Club (LUHack) was founded in 2014 by Dr William Knowles and Dr Benjamin Green and achieved the status of a Defcon chapter before falling silent for a number of years. In 2017, the group was taken over and revitalised by Dr Ric Derbyshire and James Boorman, PhD students at the University. Following this, Harry Balderstone, Henry Clarke, Ben Simms, Matthew Marsden, and Alex Butler alongside a team of dedicated students: Mo Ali, and Cameron Clough managed LUHack through a period of explosive growth both in popularity and size. LUHack is now managed by Max Friedrich alongside Cedric Borgers, Jonathan Leeming, and Tom Marshall LUHack sessions attract as many as 100 people at a time, ensuring a vibrant and lively community for members.

LUHack is a community dedicated to teaching and sharing hacking knowledge in an ethical, legal manner to its members, regardless of skill level. The team running LUHack provide talks and practical labs to members, teaching all manner of topics, including but not limited to reconnaissance, exploitation of infrastructure and web applications, malware analysis and development, and reverse engineering. LUHack also attracts talks from academia and industry, providing members with the opportunity to interact with security professionals.

Aside from teaching and sharing hacking knowledge, LUHack participates in a wide range of activities within the security industry. One such activity is our attendance of conferences, in which it takes members to interact with members of the security industry to help them make the connections they need to secure a job once they have graduated. Another activity is LUHack’s participation in Capture the Flag tournaments. Over the years the group has been running, LUHack participated in multiple capture the flag tournaments with good results, such as HECC (8th), PaloAlto (3rd), Deloitte (5th), BCS Cybercrime Cup (1st), and CIBER PERCEU (5th). Finally, LUHack also runs occasional social events so that members can kick back, relax, and get to know each other a bit better.

LUHack meets every Friday, 17:00-19:00 in InfoLab21. The venue time and location may change but is usually SkyLounge.

For more information please visit LU Hack's main website

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