HEREE programme 10th anniversary

Welcome to our celebration of the 10th year of the PhD in Higher Education: Research, Evaluation and Enhancement!

Hear from some of our alumni

David Peet - HEREE's First Alumnus

David talks about how HEREE changed him and how his research changed a university. 2 minute video

Yan Shen

I am now a lecturer at Shanghai University of Political Science and Law. I teach college students English as a foreign language and do research in teaching and learning enhancement. I am happy that I decided to enrol in this PhD programme, not just for the research skills developed over the past years or the PhD degree I obtained in March 2023. The best part of this programme for me is that it has improved my understanding of teaching and learning practices. I used to teach language in classrooms, but now I see my students as living participants in the complex and dynamic teaching and learning process. This change of perspective on what I do in teaching is critical. When I go beyond subject content to include human factors in enhancing teaching and learning, what I am doing as a teacher becomes more meaningful, and at the same time my research goes in-depth. I really appreciate what I have benefitted from this programme. Wish every one of you good luck.

Watch an interview with HEREE graduate Dr Kiruthika Ragupathi, Associate Director, CDTL

12 minute video from the Centre for Development of Teaching and Learning, National University of Singapore

Alison Said standing next to large LU crest.  Text in image is "My PhD in HEREE has helped me to advance in my career. Dr Ing. Alison Said"

View PhD theses from the HEREE programme.

Examples of theses from the HEREE programme

While you are studying on the HEREE programme ...

Toni McLaughlan talks about her experience on HEREE

HEREE 10th birthday - Toni's congratulations. 3 minute video

Chitra Sabapathy

I just returned from the International Assessment in Higher Education Conference (UK). I presented a paper, which originated from [the HEREE] EDS843 module. The presentation experience and being part of the conference was very enriching. It was nice to hear [a HEREE tutor’s] name and references to [their] influential works by several presenters multiple times during the event. Knowing that I had the privilege and honour of being taught by a renowned person…. felt good. 😊

…I just want to express my gratitude to you and the program. I have become a kind of a ‘mini ambassador’, as colleagues and friends have shown keen interest in my educational journey. The program has certainly broadened my awareness on various HEREE matters. I can confidently say that I am not quite the same person I was before embarking on this educational endeavour. The learning curve was steep, and the transformation has been for the better.

I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations on HEREE’s 10th anniversary! I believe this milestone is a testament to the program's excellence……and the impact it has had on several students' lives, including mine.

The benefits of buddying as a doctoral researcher - peer support

Fiona Boyle and Elizabeth Cook, both in Part 2 of the HEREE programme, describe what buddying up did for them in terms of turbocharging their development as social science researchers. 18 minute video

Many doctoral researchers have published journal articles arising from their module assignments and theses.

Some publications from the HEREE programme