Dr Celine Germond-Duret

Lecturer in Environmental Politics and Policy


I am a Lecturer in Environmental Politics and Policy, with interests in sustainable development, marine policy and the blue economy, international climate politics, and indigenous peoples.

My research appeared in Development and Change; Environment, Development and Sustainability; Marine Policy; Third World Quarterly; Sustainable Development; Science of the Total Environment, among others. I co-edited a special issue on the Blue Economy published in The Geographical Journal; an edited volume on Blue Economy: People and Regions in Transitions (Routledge, 2023); and I co-authored the “blue economy” entry for the International Encyclopedia of Geography (Wiley-AAG).

I am leading (PI) the British Academy/Leverhulme small research grant 'SeaSights: Seaside towns and insights from young people’, and the Leverhulme Trust research project grant 'Ocean Justice and the Blue Economy'.

Member of the Office for Environmental Protection College of Experts.

Member of the Pentland Centre for Sustainability in Business, where I am leading the 'People and the Ocean' Hub.

Short clip "60 seconds with... Dr Celine Germond-Duret" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ftCs4fkIe1M

And to know (a bit) more about the blue economy, you can listen to this podcast: The Blue Economy - Transforming Tomorrow - Podcast.co

Co-Director for Postgraduate Teaching. Click here for a short clip on our Masters programmes in politics and IR

Member of the organisation committee of the Litfest-Lancaster University Environmental Lecture series (link to the 2023 George Monbiot's lecture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B021oNQ9F3Y ; link to the 2024 Caroline Lucas' lecture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYQa3AD2PW4 )

Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

Member of the FASS and LUMS Research Ethics Committee.

Ocean justice and the blue economy
02/09/2024 → 01/09/2027

Mapping Blue Businesses
01/02/2024 → …

Morecambe Bay Curriculum Development Project
26/01/2024 → 31/07/2024

SeaSights: Deprived seaside towns and the blue economy - insights from young people
01/04/2023 → 31/08/2024

Morecambe, the Bay and sense of place
01/11/2021 → …

Representation of the Sea
01/02/2017 → …

Blue Economy
01/03/2016 → …

Written evidence on "Blue development - The place of the blue economy in development strategies" (International Development Committee)
Expert Opinion

Ocean and Coastal Futures 'Ocean Justice' webinar series
Expert Opinion

SeaSights project: Deprived seaside towns and the blue economy – what is blue justice for the younger and older generations
Oral presentation

Morecambe Bay Curriculum
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience

A regional blue economy?
Participation in conference - Business/Professional

Sustainable Management of UK Marine Resources Annual Conference 2024
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience

Defra - Marine and Fisheries talks
Expert Opinion

Studying the Bay's Blue Economy

Transforming Tomorrow podcast: "The Blue Economy"


Area (Journal)
Publication peer-review

Diverse blue economies: the case for post-technicality
Invited talk

Towards an inclusive and just Sustainable Blue Economy: integrating the social, human and legal perspectives
Expert Opinion

Ports Dialogue: Ports as novel hubs of ocean governance
Participation in workshop, seminar, course

British International Studies Association 2023 Conference
Participation in conference - Academic

agenda (Publisher)
Publication peer-review

Connecting with the Bay: creativity, work and wellbeing

Lancaster Environment Lecture: Feeding the World without Devouring the Planet by George Monbiot
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience

Blackpool Council (External organisation)
Membership of committee

International Journal of Heritage Studies (Journal)
Publication peer-review

Peer Reviewing of ESRC research proposal

Indo Pacific Journal of Ocean Life (Journal)
Publication peer-review

Arctic Circle Assembly
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience

Defra - Marine and Fisheries Social Sciences workshop
Expert Opinion

AstraZeneca (External organisation)
Membership of committee

Wiley (Publisher)
Publication peer-review

South African Journal of Science (Journal)
Publication peer-review

Marine Management Organisation
Business Engagement

'Blue Economy Contested Narratives'
Invited talk

Distributed Critique, Weather Engines
Public Lecture/ Debate/Seminar

Publication of "Representation of the Sea in the UK Press: Public Awareness of the Oceans"

Public Talk 'Perception of the Sea in Morecambe and Beyond' (ESRC Festival of Social Science)
Types of Public engagement and outreach - Festival/Exhibition

ESRC Festival of Social Science 2021: Perception of the Sea in Morecambe and Beyond
Types of Public engagement and outreach - Festival/Exhibition

'Navigating towards a sustainable blue economy' Roundtable
Participation in workshop, seminar, course

Coastal Transitions: Blue Economy
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience

Regional Studies Association Research Network for Sustainability Transitions in the Coastal Zone
Participation in workshop, seminar, course

RGS-IBG Annual International Conference
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience

RGS-IBG Annual International Conference
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience

RGS-IBG Annual International Conference
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience

RGS-IBG Annual International Conference
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience

Advancing Green Growth in Peru: a Spotlight on Tourism, Transport and the Blue Economy
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience

  • Pentland Centre