Professor Stacey Conchie

Professor in Psychology

Research Overview

I am interested in the socio-psychological factors that shape behaviour in high-risk settings from security to safety. I am particularly interested in the role of interpersonal trust: it’s formation, breakdown and repair, and the ways it shapes behaviours in offline and online interactions.

I am Director of the ESRC national Centre for Research and Evidence on Security Threats (CREST) and co-lead of the EPSRC Security, Privacy, Identity and Trust in the digital economy Network Plus (SPRITE+). My research has been funded by government bodies, private industry and charities, whom I have been fortunate enough to work with to ensure my work has practical relevance.

  • Cyber Security Research Centre (Psychology)
  • People, Work and Organisation
  • Security Lancaster
  • Security Lancaster (Academic Centre of Excellence)
  • Security Lancaster (Behavioural Science)
  • Social Processes