BLS Seminar Series 22nd June 2022 - Dr Pleasantine Mill

Dr Pleasantine Mill
Dr Pleasantine Mill

The BLS seminar series continues this week with Pleasantine Mill on Wednesday the 22nd June at 13:00.

Title: The secret lives of cilia: sex, lies and timelapse videos.

Pleasantine is a PI at the MRC Human Gentics Unit Edinburgh and focuses on the genetics of cilia structure and function using siRNA cell-based screens and targeted mouse mutants to discover and understand genes critical to ciliogenesis. She became programme leader track in 2014 and full programme leader in 2018. She is also a reader at University of Edinburgh. Her work is currently funded by the UKRI MRC, the ERC and Wellcome. She won the 2019 BSCB Women in Cell Biology medal for her contributions to the field.

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