Creative Writing
Research Activity
Creative Writing researchers in the department work across a number of forms and genres, publishing work with mainstream trade presses and journals, producing work for broadcast on the BBC and regularly speaking at literary festivals, conferences and writing industries’ events.
We specialise in long prose fiction, memoir, the short story, poetry and dramatic work for stage and screen. Our creative works also engage with critical research themes in the department and beyond, and have a strong interdisciplinary focus with particular contributions to the medical humanities; transcultural writing and research; literature and religion; and literature, space and place. We have an interest in writing communities, different modes of production, and collaborative practices with other art forms. Recent projects include the founding of Lune: A Journal of Literary Misrule (Jenn Ashworth) to publish interdisciplinary creative-critical work. Sarah Corbett's project Dorothy's Colour (2017-18) was a collaboration with the visual artist Zoe Benbow, in partnership with The Wordsworth Trust and funded by Arts Council England, the Wordsworth Trust and Lancaster University. Tajinder Singh Hayer is currently working with Ragged Edge Productions on a collaborative project (Keeping the Lights On) exploring the future of energy production; the script was workshopped at The Dukes Lancaster in 2018 with a proposed tour coming in Autumn 2020.
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