Dr Maria Walach FRAS
Research Fellow/LecturerResearch Overview
I am a UKRI STFC Ernest Rutherford Fellow based in the Space and Planetary Physics Group.
I study the interactions between the solar wind, the magnetosphere and the ionosphere.
That's our most immediate magnetic environment and the most upper part of the atmosphere, which links us to space.
I am interested in the energy transport in our terrestrial plasma environment and how it responds to events within the magnetosphere itself, and in space. I do this primarily by using data from spacecraft.
Personal website: mtwalach.github.io
ERF: Understanding the Energy Pathways of Earth’s Magnetosphere
01/01/2024 → 31/12/2028
SD-WACCM: Predicting the Upper Atmospheric Response to Extremes of Space Weather Forcing
01/03/2020 → 29/02/2024
Time Variability of the ionospheric electric field: solar wind driving and atmospheric feedback
01/12/2016 → 29/02/2020
Invited Workshop Talk: Electrodynamic Coupling and Time Variability in the Ionospheric Electric Field
Invited talk
Campus in the City 2024
Seminar: The Eye of the Geomagnetic Storm: Electrodynamics at High-Latitudes During Geomagnetic Storms,
Public Lecture/ Debate/Seminar
Autumn MIST 2023
Participation in conference - Academic
Electrodynamic coupling from high to middle latitudes
Oral presentation
The Eye of the Geomagnetic Storm
Invited talk
Introducing TiVIE
Oral presentation
Electrodynamic coupling from high to middle latitudes
Oral presentation
Research activities at LU in relation to space debris
Invited talk
MIST Awards Taskforce
Oral presentation
Electrodynamic coupling from the high to middle latitudes:
Observations in the Context of Whole Atmosphere Modelling
Oral presentation
Spring MIST 2023
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience
Convection Context of Surface Waves
Invited talk
Decoding the Northern Lights
Invited talk
How the Aurora Lights up Space
Invited talk
Electrodynamic coupling of the magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere
Oral presentation
International Space Science Institute (External organisation)
Membership of network
Decoding the Northern Lights
Public Lecture/ Debate/Seminar
Invited talk at the British Science Festival 2022
Types of Public engagement and outreach - Festival/Exhibition
MIST Council (External organisation)
Membership of council
Ionosphere and Thermosphere Observations in the Context of Whole Atmosphere Modelling
Invited talk
Ionospheric Electrodynamics at Earth: The Eye of the Geomagnetic Storm
Invited talk
Dusk-Dawn Asymmetries in SuperDARN Convection Maps
Oral presentation
Ionosphere and Thermosphere Observations in the Context of Whole Atmosphere Modelling
Oral presentation
Ionospheric Convection and Auroral Responses to Solar Wind Driving
Invited talk
How the aurora lights up space
Invited talk
Super Dual Auroral Radar Network Expansion and Its Influence on the Derived Ionospheric Convection Pattern
Invited talk
Royal Astronomical Society Specialist Discussion Meeting on Global Monitoring of Geospace
Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Autumn MIST Meeting 2021
Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Super Dual Auroral Radar Network Expansion and its Influence on the Derived Ionospheric Convection Pattern
Oral presentation
Ionosphere and Thermosphere Observations in the Context of Whole Atmosphere Modelling
Oral presentation
High-latitude ionospheric convection during geomagnetic storms
Invited talk
SuperDARN observations of the September 2017 storm
Oral presentation
Autumn MIST 2020
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience
Modelling the Time-Variability of the Ionospheric Electric Field: Introducing the TiVIE model
Oral presentation
Modelling the Time-Variability of the Ionospheric Electric Field: Introducing the TiVIE model
Oral presentation
Royal Astronomical Society Awards and Grants Review Panel
Expert Opinion
Average Ionospheric Electric Field Morphologies during Geomagnetic Storm Phases
Oral presentation
Average Ionospheric Electric Field Morphologies during Geomagnetic Storm Phases
Invited talk
(Rescheduled) Autumn MIST 2019
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience
SuperDARN observations during geomagnetic storms, geomagnetically active times and enhanced solar wind driving
Oral presentation
High-latitude ionospheric convection morphologies during geomagnetic storm phases
Oral presentation
Large scale analysis of sawtooth events, and isolated substorms
Invited talk
MIST Council (External organisation)
Membership of council
National Astronomy Meeting 2019
Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Outreach via existing platforms: “I’m a Scientist, Get me out of here”
Oral presentation
SuperDARN observations during geomagnetic storms, geomagnetically active times and enhanced solar wind driving
Oral presentation
SuperDARN observations during geomagnetic storms, geomagnetically active times and enhanced solar wind driving
Oral presentation
Influences of the equatorward SuperDARN expansion on data coverage and measured parameters
Oral presentation
SuperDARN Workshop 2019 - Fujiyoshida, Japan
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience
Time variability in high-latitude ionospheric convection at Earth
Invited talk
I'm a Scientist, Get me out of here!
RAS Specialist Discussion Meeting: Global Response of the Terrestrial Magnetosphere during Storms and Substorms
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience
Seminar talk
Invited talk
MIST Awards Taskforce (External organisation)
Membership of network
Improving Joule Heating and Electric Field Models of the High-latitude Ionosphere
Oral presentation
Characterising and understanding temporal variability in ionospheric flows using SuperDARN data
Oral presentation
Characterising and understanding temporal variability in ionospheric flows using SuperDARN data
Oral presentation
Comparison of ionospheric convection signatures of sawtooth events and substorms
Oral presentation
Chracterising and understanding temporal variability in ionospheric flows using SuperDARN data
Oral presentation
Spring MIST 2018
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience
National Astronomy Meeting 2019
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience
Autumn MIST Meeting
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience
Light Up Lancaster
SuperDARN Workshop 2017
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience
SuperDARN Data Analysis Working Group (External organisation)
Other Membership
Solar Wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer (SMILE) Space Mission (External organisation)
Membership of network
British Science Association Award Lecture
Prize (including medals and awards)
Space and Planetary Physics
- Space and Planetary Physics
- Space Weather