Employer's Exhibition
At the beginning of June each year, the Physics Department holds The Physics at Lancaster Annual Conference and Exhibition (The PLACE) to showcase the project work of its 3rd and 4thyear undergraduates.
Students make presentations and display academic posters at the conference, and this forms part of their assessed work. In 2012, we expanded the conference to include an employer exhibition, and this proved to be very successful.
We welcome organisations interested in Physics graduates to come along to meet our students. It’s a chance for you to showcase graduate progression in your business or sector and meet potential recruits. At the same time, it is an invaluable opportunity for our students to find out more about the kinds of careers and employment sectors open to them after graduation.
Access 150 skilled students
In the Research Excellence Framework 2021 (REF2021), the Department of Physics had 100% of its research environments rated as world-leading or internationally excellent, and is highly ranked in the UK university league tables. The event is attended by about 150 3rd & 4th year physics undergraduates, as well as some of our postgraduate students and academic staff.
Sponsorship opportunities
We also offer a limited number of sponsorships opportunities to help fund the event. We will promote your organisation on campus leading up to and during the event by displaying your company banner or logo either in the department or at the venue where the conference is to be held. The suggested sponsorship donation is £300, but this amount is flexible and is not a requirement of attendance at the conference.
For more information, please contact Student Employability Manager Pam Pickles