Professor Robert Young FHEA
ProfessorResearch Overview
My primary focus throughout my research has been on the nascent field of Quantum Information Processing. Currently quantum cryptography, the exploitation of the laws of quantum mechanics to guarantee secure communication, is the only commercial QIP application to exploit individual quanta. In this regard QIP is little more developed than digital communication was following the invention of Morse code. I think that QIP will change the role of information in our lives, in much the same way that digital information has.
Please visit for information about the commercialisation of my research.
PhD Supervision Interests
We are seeking a PhD student for a project that combines cutting edge material science, quantum physics and information security, to drive a major evolution in physical security systems. Recently-discovered two-dimensional materials, with extraordinary physical properties extending well beyond those of graphene alone, will be the active component in the devices studied. They act as a near ideal interface between light and electronics, allowing information exchange between the two with unprecedented fidelity. The elegant access to quantum mechanics afforded by these devices will be applied to securing connections between the devices making up the Internet of Things, which are predicted to exceed 50 billion in just a few years. In this experimental project you will be trained to use state-of-the-art facilities in the Quantum Technology Centre at Lancaster to test develop quantum security devices using graphene-like materials incorporated into photonic devices. You will be taught to use nano-fabrication tools to prepare the devices for integration with embedded systems. Working with a GCHQ-backed centre of excellence in cyber security you will test the devices you create. The far-reaching goal of this project is for you to commercialise the technology through a spin-out company, Quantum Base, which focuses on quantum security systems. Please email me or see for more details.
Selected Publications
Using quantum confinement to uniquely identify devices
Roberts, J., Bagci, I.E., Zawawi, M.A.M., Sexton, J., Hulbert, N., Noori, Y., Young, M., Woodhead, C., Missous, M., Migliorato, M.A., Roedig, U., Young, R.J. 10/11/2015 In: Scientific Reports. 5, 8 p.
Journal article
Quantum information to the home
Choi, I., Young, R., Townsend, P. 06/2011 In: New Journal of Physics. 13, 6, 13 p.
Journal article
Bell-Inequality Violation with a Triggered Photon-Pair Source
Young, R.J., Stevenson, R.M., Hudson, A.J., Nicoll, C.A., Ritchie, D.A., Shields, A.J. 23/01/2009 In: Physical review letters. 102, 3, p. -. 4 p.
Journal article
A semiconductor source of triggered entangled photon pairs
Stevenson, R.M., Young, R.J., Atkinson, P., Cooper, K., Ritchie, D.A., Shields, A.J. 12/01/2006 In: Nature. 439, 7073, p. 179-182. 4 p.
Journal article
Photoluminescence studies of individual and few GaSb/GaAs quantum rings
Young, M.P., Woodhead, C.S., Roberts, J., Noori, Y.J., Noble, M.T., Krier, A., Smakman, E.P., Koenraad, P.M., Hayne, M., Young, R.J. 1/11/2014 In: AIP Advances. 4, 11, 6 p.
Journal article
All Publications
Machine learning and certification with quantum identities (Ella Mann-Andrews)
01/10/2023 → 30/09/2027
QID: Quantum identities
01/10/2023 → 30/09/2025
IAA: Micro-molecular Q-ID
01/07/2022 → 31/03/2024
Developing a sensor which measures urine flow, volume and voiding patterns to diagnose pathologies of the urinary system
01/01/2022 → 31/12/2022
STFC IAA: Impact Acceleration Account 2021
01/04/2021 → 31/03/2022
IAA: Q-ID® Optical tag reader
01/01/2021 → 31/03/2022
Royal Society University Research Fellowship COVID Extension
01/11/2020 → 31/03/2021
IAA: Q-ID for COVID Passports [Ind code]
30/09/2020 → 30/11/2021
Atomic Layer Deposition for Lancaster Quantum Technology Centre Cleanroom
29/11/2019 → 28/05/2021
Split Quantum Physical Unclonable Functions
15/08/2019 → 14/11/2022
Pozibot: Quantum-secured remote monitoring and data logging technology that enables a dynamic insured warranty for battery packs
01/03/2019 → 31/05/2021
Cost-efficient and radiation-tolerant pixel detectors for ionising radiation based on thin-film technology
01/11/2018 → 31/10/2019
CASE: Nextgeneration physical security devices exploiting 2D materials
01/10/2017 → 30/09/2021
Royal Society University Research Fellowship
01/10/2017 → 31/03/2021
IAA: OPUF Hologram for Security
01/07/2017 → 30/11/2018
IAA: Silicon
01/07/2017 → 31/03/2020
EPSRC Internship
01/10/2016 → 31/12/2016
Newton RCUK-CONACYT Cost-efficient and radiation-tolerant pixel detectors for ionising radiation based on thin-film technology
14/08/2016 → 31/12/2019
IAA: Quantum Base
01/01/2016 → 31/12/2016
IAA: Quantum Base
01/04/2015 → 31/03/2016
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in the Science and Applications of Graphene and Related Nanomaterials (GrapheneNOWNANO
01/04/2014 → 30/09/2022
RCUK-SUP: Inspiring the Next Generation of Researchers
01/01/2013 → 31/12/2016
GaSb quantum dots for a room temperature light-matter interface
01/10/2012 → 30/08/2017
Developing practical quantum technologies for security in a post-quantum world
Invited talk
BT Thought Leader presentation: Developing practical quantum technologies for security in a post-quantum world
Invited talk
Introduction of Optical Q-ID
Invited talk
Developing practical quantum technologies for security in a post-quantum world
Invited talk
How Quantum Technology Will Improve Security?
Invited talk
Quantum security solutions
Invited talk
Using QT to prevent counterfeiting
Invited talk
Insight Talk: Quantum Technologies in Lancashire
Invited talk
Royal Society Café Scientifique: Random Revolution
Invited talk
Cyber Security
Invited talk
A Random Revolution
Invited talk
Exploiting imperfections in quantum technologies
Invited talk
Exploiting imperfections in quantum technologies
Invited talk
2009 best paper award
Prize (including medals and awards)
QEP Group Ph.D. Thesis Prize
Prize (including medals and awards)
GaSb quantum dots for a room-temperature light-matter interface
Fellowship awarded competitively
Research Impact Award
Prize (including medals and awards)
Imperfect quantum devices
Fellowship awarded competitively
Science and Technology Dean’s Award – Excellence in External Engagement and Impact in Science and Technology
Prize (including medals and awards)
Quantum Nanotechnology
Quantum Nanotechnology
Quantum Nanotechnology
Quantum Nanotechnology
- Cyber Security Research Centre (Physics)
- Energy Lancaster
- Quantum Nanotechnology
- Quantum Technology Centre
- Security Lancaster
- Security Lancaster (Academic Centre of Excellence)
- Security Lancaster (Systems Security)