Are you EntreCompetent?

(Hint: Yes you are!)

EntreComp flower diagramme

It's time to discover your superpowers

Our self-assessment tool, ECHO, will improve your understanding of the different ways in which you are entrepreneurial and how you might develop.

The Entrepreneurial Competency Heutogogical Organiser - aka ECHO - will help you to take a more directed approach to your personal and professional development, informing what you can confidently bring to the table when you are working with others, or to identify more easily who you might work with to complement your own capabilities. As you explore other entrepreneurial learning opportunities, this tool will help you to know what to focus on to get the most out of them (so you don't keep on doing leg day when you need to work on your arms!).

Before you start your self-assessment, we recommend you review the 15 competency areas outlined below.

And whenever you are ready to start, just press the red button!

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1.1 Spotting Opportunities

Using your imagination and abilities to identify opportunities for creating value.

When self-scoring here, you need to consider how well you can:

  • Identify and seize opportunities to create value by exploring the social, cultural and economic landscape
  • Identify needs and challenges that need to be met
  • Establish new connections and bring together scattered elements of the landscape to create opportunities to create value

If you would find it helpful to see the full rubric (levels 1-8) for the four threads that make up this competency area, please click this link to download a PDF: 1.1 Spotting opportunities - Rubric

1.2 Creativity

Developing creative and purposeful ideas.

When self-scoring here, you need to consider how well you can:

  • Develop several ideas and opportunities to create value, including better solutions to existing and new challenges
  • Explore and experiment with innovative approaches
  • Combine knowledge and resources to achieve valuable effects

If you would find it helpful to see the full rubric (levels 1-8) for the five threads that make up this competency area, please click this link to download a PDF: 1.2 Creativity - Rubric

1.3 Vision

Working towards a vision of the future.

When self-scoring here, you need to consider how well you can:

  • Imagine the future
  • Develop a vision to turn ideas into action
  • Visualise future scenarios to help guide effort and action

If you would find it helpful to see the full rubric (levels 1-8) for the three threads that make up this competency area, please click this link to download a PDF: 1.3 Vision - Rubric

1.4 Valuing Ideas

Making the most of ideas and opportunities.

When self-scoring here, you need to consider how well you can:

  • Judge what value is in social, cultural and economic terms
  • Recognise the potential an idea has for creating value and identify suitable ways of making the most of it

If you would find it helpful to see the full rubric (levels 1-8) for the two threads that make up this competency area, please click this link to download a PDF: 1.4 Valuing ideas - Rubric

1.5 Ethical & Sustainable Thinking

Assessing the consequences and impact of ideas, opportunities, and actions.

When self-scoring here, you need to consider how well you can:

  • Assess the consequences of ideas that bring value and effect of entrepreneurial action on the target community, the market, society, and the environment
  • Reflect on how sustainable long-term social, cultural and economic goals are, and the course of action chosen
  • Act responsibly

If you would find it helpful to see the full rubric (levels 1-8) for the four threads that make up this competency area, please click this link to download a PDF: 1.5 Ethical & sustainable thinking - Rubric


2.1 Self-awareness & Self-efficacy

Believing in yourself and keeping developing.

When self-scoring here, you need to consider how well you can:

  • Reflect on your needs, aspirations and wants in the short, medium and long term
  • Identify and assess you individual and group strengths and weaknesses
  • Believe in your abillity to influence the course of events, despite uncertainty, setbacks and temporary failures

If you would find it helpful to see the full rubric (levels 1-8) for the four threads that make up this competency area, please click this link to download a PDF: 2.1 Self-awareness & Self-Efficacy- Rubric

2.2 Motivation & Perseverance

Staying focused and not giving up.

When self-scoring here, you need to consider how well you can:

  • Be determined to turn ideas into action and satisfy your need to achieve
  • Be prepared to be patient and keep trying to achieve your long-term individual or group aims
  • Be resilient under pressure, adversity and temporary failure

If you would find it helpful to see the full rubric (levels 1-8) for the five threads that make up this competency area, please click this link to download a PDF: 2.2 Motivation & perseverance - Rubric

2.3 Mobilising Resources

Getting and managing the resources you need.

When self-scoring here, you need to consider how well you can:

  • Get and manage the material, not-material and digital resources needed to turn ideas into action
  • Make the most of limited resources
  • Get and manage the competences needed at any stage, including technical, legal, tax and digital competences (for example through suitable partnerships, networking, outsourcing and crowd-sourcing)

If you would find it helpful to see the full rubric (levels 1-8) for the four threads that make up this competency area, please click this link to download a PDF: 2.3 Mobilising resources - Rubric

2.4 Financial & Economic Literacy

Developing financial and economic know-how.

When self-scoring here, you need to consider how well you can:

  • Estimate the cost of turning an idea into a value-creating activity
  • Plan, put in place and evaluate financial decisions over time
  • Manage financing to ensure your value-creating activity can last over the long term

If you would find it helpful to see the full rubric (levels 1-8) for the four threads that make up this competency area, please click this link to download a PDF: 2.4 Financial & economic literacy - Rubric

2.5 Mobilising Others

Inspiring, engaging and getting others on board.

When self-scoring here, you need to consider how well you can:

  • Inspire and enthuse relevant stakeholders
  • Get the support needed to achieve valuable outcomes
  • Demonstrate effective communication, persuasion, negotiation and leadership

If you would find it helpful to see the full rubric (levels 1-8) for the four threads that make up this competency area, please click this link to download a PDF: 2.5 Mobilising others - Rubric


3.1 Taking the Initiative

Going for it.

When self-scoring here, you need to consider how well you can:

  • Initiate processes that create value
  • Take up challenges
  • Act and work independently to achieve goals, stick to intentions and carry out planned tasks

If you would find it helpful to see the full rubric (levels 1-8) for the three threads that make up this competency area, please click this link to download a PDF: 3.1 Taking the initiative - Rubric

3.2 Planning & Management

Prioritising, organising and following up.

When self-scoring here, you need to consider how well you can:

  • Set long-, medium and short-term goals
  • Define priorities and action plans
  • Adapt to unforseen circumstances

If you would find it helpful to see the full rubric (levels 1-8) for the six threads that make up this competency area, please click this link to download a PDF: 3.2 Planning & management - Rubric

3.3 Coping with Uncertainty, Ambiguity & Risk

Making decisions dealing with uncertainty, ambiguity and risk.

When self-scoring here, you need to consider how well you can:

  • Make decisions when the result of the decision is uncertain, the information available is partial or ambiguous, or when there is a risk of unintended outcomes
  • Within the value-creating process, include structured ways of testing ideas and prototypes from the early stages, to reduce risks of failing
  • Handle fast-moving situations promptly and flexibly

If you would find it helpful to see the full rubric (levels 1-8) for the three threads that make up this competency area, please click this link to download a PDF: 3.3 Coping with uncertainty, ambiguity & risk - Rubric

3.4 Working with Others

Teaming up, working together and networking.

When self-scoring here, you need to consider how well you can:

  • Work together and co-operate with others to develop ideas and turn them into action
  • Network
  • Solve conflicts and face up to competition positively when necessary

If you would find it helpful to see the full rubric (levels 1-8) for the six threads that make up this competency area, please click this link to download a PDF: 3.4 Working with others - Rubric

3.5 Learning through Experience

Learning by doing.

When self-scoring here, you need to consider how well you can:

  • Use any initiative for value creation as a learning opportunity
  • Learn with others, including peers and mentors
  • Reflect and learn from both success and failure (your own and other people's)

If you would find it helpful to see the full rubric (levels 1-8) for the three threads that make up this competency area, please click this link to download a PDF: 3.5 Learning through experience - Rubric

When you are ready to start your self-assessment, click the button below.

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