Electronic Engineering

A leading group in the fields of microwave, millimetre waves and THz research.

A student soldering components

About us

The Electronic Engineering research group forms the core capability within Lancaster's Quantum Technology Centre

As a group, our core research interests in electronics include RF engineering up to the sub-THz range, mixed-signal electronics, interfaces and packaging, MEMS, microfluidic technologies and biophotonics. Competencies and resources within the group allow research into high-frequency fields including microwave and vacuum electronics, particle accelerators and klystrons, terahertz radiation and applications, mid-infrared photonic materials and devices and photonic crystals, metamaterials and computational electromagnetics.

The group aims to combine our consolidated knowledge with the highest quality research, to create an exciting environment for students and researchers worldwide.

Group Lead

Professor Claudio Paoloni

Cockcroft Chair

Cockcroft Institute, Engineering of Microwaves, Terahertz and Light (E-MIT), Security Lancaster (Networks), Security Lancaster (Systems Security)

Claudio Paoloni
Professor Claudio Paoloni
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Electronic Engineering group manages or has access to, a number of specialised laboratories at the School of Engineering. The vast amount of experimental resources available is fundamental to our cutting-edge research.


Our high-power microwave laboratory provides an array of well-established facilities that are fully operative for research in the field of low-frequency vacuum tube and microwave components. A full set of equipment is available (ZVA40 Vector Network Analyzer (4 ports, 10MHz-40GHz), scalar network analysers, spectrum analyser, power meter, frequency generator, and ZVA-Z110 Frequency converter (WR10 75GHz to 110GHz).

Anechoic Chamber

Lancaster has two RF anechoic chambers. These are specially designed boxes which absorb all radio frequency signals that are emitted avoiding reflections inside the chamber. This is required to measure the performance of antennas and other sensitive radio frequency electronics.


Active Integrated Antenna for Intelligent Arrays in 6G Non-Terrestrial Networks
13/03/2024 → 14/01/2026

Multibeam W-band Fixed Wireless Access enabled by traveling wave tubes
01/03/2024 → 31/03/2025

Laser-assisted controlled pyrolysis of rubber/bitumen raw materials
25/04/2018 → 15/12/2018

THz graphene/metamaterial active frequency modulators
31/03/2018 → 30/03/2019

Hybrid graphene/metamaterial active frequency modulators
01/11/2017 → 31/05/2018

H2020 : ULTRAWAVE : Ultra capacity wireless layer beyond 100 GHz based on millimeter wave Traveling Wave Tubes
01/09/2017 → 31/05/2021

Novel InSb quantum dots monolitically grown on silicon for low cost mid-infrared light emitting diodes
01/05/2016 → 31/01/2019

Microwave filters with improved power handling capabilities for satellite applications
05/01/2016 → 04/01/2017

THz imaging system for characterisation of functional artificial materials
01/01/2016 → …

IS 2015 - Advanced Materials
01/06/2015 → …

High Efficiency Mid-Infrared Semiconductor Materials and Devises Grown on Silicon
01/05/2015 → 01/02/2018

H2020: TWEETHER: Travelling wave tube based W-band wireless networks with high data rate, distribution, spectrum and energy efficiency
01/01/2015 → 30/09/2018

THz backward wave oscillator for plasma diagnostic in nuclear fusion
01/11/2014 → 30/06/2017

CLIC-UK contract Klystron studies and Crab Cavity Synchronisation
01/04/2014 → 31/03/2018

Millimetre wave double corrugated waveguide TWT
01/04/2014 → 31/03/2015

High Power Terahertz Vacuum devices for social benefits: India -UK Joint Action
13/01/2014 → 15/01/2014

Thz backward wave oscillatorm for plasma diagnostic in nuclear fusion
01/12/2013 → 01/12/2015

FST-RG: Backward Wave Oscillator for Plasma Turbulence Diagnostic
01/12/2012 → 01/12/2013

Testability of Analogue Macrocells Embedded in System-on-Chip
01/03/2002 → 30/04/2005