Professor Christopher Nemeth
Professor in StatisticsProfile
My research is in the areas of computational statistics and probabilistic machine learning, specifically Markov chain Monte Carlo, sequential Monte Carlo, Gaussian processes and approximate Bayesian computation. Currently, as part of my UKRI fellowship, I am developing probabilistic AI algorithms for large-scale learning, with a focus on the mathematical foundations of these algorithms.
Applications of my research have an impact in a variety of areas, including target tracking, environmental science and econometrics.
Web Links
Research Overview
- Computational statistics
- Markov chain Monte Carlo
- Sequential Monte Carlo
- State-space modelling
- Statistical network analysis
- Probabilistic machine learning
- Gaussian processes
- Bayesian neural networks
- Intersections between sampling and optimisation algorithms
Research Grants
ProbAI: A Hub for the Mathematical and Computational Foundations of Probabilistic AI - UKRI-EPSRC Mathematical and Computational Foundations of Artificial Intelligence (£9M), 2024-2029.
EP/V022636/1: Probabilistic Algorithms for Scalable and Computable Approaches to Learning (PASCAL) - UKRI-EPSRC Turing AI Acceleration Fellowship (£1.1M), 2021-2026.
NE/T012307/1: Detecting soil degradation and restoration through a novel coupled sensor and machine learning framework - NERC Signals in the Soil grant (£799K), 2020-2022.
NE/T004002/1: Explainable AI for UK agricultural land use decision-making - NERC Landscape decision-making grant (£43K), 2019-2020.
EP/S00159X/1: Scalable and Exact Data Science for Security and Location-based Data - UKRI EPSRC Innovation Fellowship (£524K), 2018-2021.
EP/R01860X/1: Data Science of the Natural Environment - EPSRC New approaches to Data Science grant (£2.7M), 2018-2023.
My Role
- Turing University Academic Liason (2023-).
Data Science Theme Lead, Centre of Excellence in Environmental Data Science (2019 - 2021).
- Deputy Foundations Theme Lead, Data Science Institute (2019-2021).
Computer Intensive Research Committee member (2019 - present).
STOR-i CDT Executive Committee (2015-2019).
STOR-i CDT Admissions Tutor (2016-2018).
Convener for the STOR-i CDT National Associates Network (2015-2019).
External Roles
- Associate Editor, ACM Transactions on Probabilistic Machine Learning (2023-).
- Associate Editor, Journal of Data-Centric Engineering (2021 - 2024).
- N8CIR Machine Learning Theme Lead (2021-).
- Chair of the Computational Statistics and Machine Learning group of the Royal Statistical Society (2021 - 2024).
- Vice-Chair of the Statistical Computing Section of the Royal Statistical Society (2018 - 2020).
- Committee Member of the EPSRC Mathematical Sciences Early Career Forum (2018 - present).
- EPSRC Associate College Member (2018 - present).
- UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship Peer Review College Member (2018 - present).
PhD Supervisions Completed
- Thomas Pinder - Scalable Gaussian processes for modelling air quality data (2019-2022).
- Rachael Duncan - Data science approaches to projecting future global-to-local air quality and climate (2019-2023).
- George Bolt - Statistical Methods for Samples of Interaction Networks (2019-2023).
- Srshti Putcha - Scalable Monte Carlo in the general big data setting (2018-2022).
- Callum Vyner - Parallel Monte Carlo methods for Big Data (2016-2022).
- Kathryn Turnbull - Advancements in latent space network modelling (2016-2019).
- Jack Baker - Stochastic gradient algorithms for scalable Markov chain Monte Carlo (2015-2018).
PhDs Examined
- Anja Stein - Sequential Inference with Mallows Model (2023).
- Ed Austin - Novel Methods for the Detection of Emergent Phenomena in Streaming Data (2022).
- Henry Moss - General-purpose Information-theoretical Bayesian Optimisation. Lancaster University (2021).
- Juan Manuel Escamilla Mólgora - Statistical modelling of species distributions on the tree of life using presence-only data. Lancaster University (2020).
- Sean Malory - Bayesian Inference for Stochastic Processes. Lancaster University (2020).
- Kjartan Kloster Osmundsen - Essays in Statistics and Econometrics. University of Stravanger, Norway (2020).
- Michael Bertolacci - Hierarchical Bayesian mixture models for spatiotemporal data with non-standard features. University of Western Australia, Australia (2020).
- Anthony Ebert - Dynamic Queuing Networks: Simulation, Estimation and Prediction. Queensland University of Technology, Australia (2019).
- Gernot Roetzer - Efficient and Scalable Inference for Generalized Student-t Process Models. Trinity College Dublin, Ireland (2019).
- Reinaldo A. G. Marques - On Monte Carlo Contributions for Real-time Probabilistic Inference. University of Oslo, Norway (2018).
- Terry Huang - Data Conditioned Simulation and Inference. Lancaster University (2016).
PhD Supervision Interests
I would be happy to supervise a PhD student who is interested in computational methods for Bayesian inference or probabilistic machine learning. In particular, the development of new MCMC and SMC algorithms for big data and intractable likelihood problems. Or projects which explore the intersection of sampling and optimisation algorithms.
ProbAI: A Hub for the Mathematical & Computational Foundations of Probabilistic AI
01/02/2024 → 31/01/2029
DSI: Probabilistic AI: Massive Scale Linking in AI Powered Knowledge Bases
01/10/2023 → 31/03/2027
DSI: STOR-i : Bayesian inverse modelling and data assimilation of atmospheric emissions
01/10/2022 → 30/09/2025
DSI : STOR-i - Optimising In-Store Price Reductions - Katie Howgate
01/05/2022 → 30/04/2025
DSI: Turing AI Fellowship: Probabilistic Algorithms for Scalable and Computable Approaches to Learning (PASCAL)
01/01/2021 → 31/12/2025
EPSRC Core Equipment 2020
14/11/2020 → 13/05/2022
Detecting soil degradation and restoration through a novel coupled sensor and machine learning framework
31/01/2020 → 16/09/2024
Explainable AI for UK agricultural land use decision-making
01/12/2019 → 30/11/2020
Explainable AI for UK agricultural land use decision-making
01/12/2019 → 30/11/2020
STORi: Learning to Group Research Profiles through Online Academic Services
01/10/2019 → 31/03/2023
STORi: Statistical Analysis of Large-scale Hypergraph Data
01/10/2019 → 31/03/2023
DSI: Scalable and Exact Data Science for Security and Location-based Data
29/06/2018 → 30/09/2021
DSI: Data Science of the Natural Environment
16/04/2018 → 15/04/2024
DSI: Bayesian Latent Space Modelling for Chemical Interactions
13/04/2018 → 12/08/2018
Bayesian and Computational Statistics, Statistical Artificial Intelligence
Bayesian and Computational Statistics, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training
Bayesian and Computational Statistics, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training
Bayesian and Computational Statistics, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training
Bayesian and Computational Statistics, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training
- Bayesian and Computational Statistics
- Centre of Excellence in Environmental Data Science
- DSI - Foundations
- Statistical Artificial Intelligence
- STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training