Celebrating the new probability group - Tuesday 14th - Wednesday 15th June 2016
Workshop on Geometric Rigidity 2016 - Sunday 5th - Tuesday 7th June 2016
UK Easter Probability Meeting 2016 - Monday 4th - Friday 8th April 2016
Representation Theory and Symplectic Singularities - a conference in honour of Sasha Premet's 60th birthday, University of Edinburgh, Monday 4th - Friday 8th April 2016
Clinical trials in small populations: methodological challenges and solutions - Royal Statistical Society, London, Monday 30th November - Tuesday 1st December 2015
Workshop on Geometric Rigidity 2015 - Wednesday 10th - Thursday 11th June 2015
Profinite Groups Meeting - Thursday 23rd April 2015
LMS 150th Anniversary Northern Regional Meeting and Workshop on Homotopical Algebra and Geometry - Tuesday 7th - Saturday 11th April 2015