All the talks will take place in Lancaster University's Conference Centre, Lancaster House Hotel.
A list of abstracts is available.
Friday 6th September
12:00-12:50 registration and buffet lunch
12:50-13:05 welcome and LMS presentation
13:05-13:45 Daniel Colquitt (Liverpool), Controlling mechanical waves - cloaking, earthquake protection, and one-way waves
13:50-14:30 Anitha Thillaisundaram (Lincoln), Hausdorff dimension of pro-p groups - history and open problems
14:35-15:00 Benjamin Miller (Warwick), How can mathematicians help eradicate infectious diseases?
15:00-15:30 break with refreshments
15:30-16:10 Lynne Walling (Bristol), Sums of squares as an entry-way to research in number theory and modular forms
16:15-16:55 Jon Pitchford (York), Why does it all have to be so complicated?
17:00-17:15 break
17:25-17:40 Riam Kanso (UCL), Conception X: Explore entrepreneurship during your PhD
17:45-18:25 Lucy Morgan (Lancaster), Solving real world problems - Operational Research (OR) a tool for decision making
18:25-19:00 free time (check-in, tour of campus, nap)
19:00-21:00 dinner time - food for thought and for the body
Saturday 7th September
9:00-9:40 Helen Ogden (Southampton), Complex Models, Statistical Scalability and Fighting Lizards
9:45-10:25 Brian Tom (Cambridge), Research at the MRC Biostatistics Unit
10:30-10:55 Zoltan Kocsis (Manchester), Proof Theory and Topology
10:55-11:25 break with refreshments
11:25-12:05 Daniel Loghin (Birmingham), Numerical Analysis
12:10-12:50 Codina Cotar (UCL), Probability Theory
12:50-13:40 buffet lunch
13:40-14:05 Jared White (Besançon), Abstract Algebra Meets Analysis
14:10-14:50 Louis Theran (St Andrews), Rigidity
14:55-15:35 Gesine Reinert (Oxford), Probability in Network Analysis
15:35-16:15 closing session: PhD in the UK Q&A with speakers, and local students and academics