Hilda Catchpole (HC-95-215)

The Odeon, Lowestoft (uploaded by Mike_Blakemore). Creative Commons (Attribution) License via cinematreasures.org
Hilda Catchpole of Lowestoft, Suffolk became involved with Cinema Culture in 1930s Britain through her lifelong friend Peggy Kent. Mrs Catchpole was born in Lowestoft in 1916, and her father was a boilermaker. Her first job after leaving school at the age of fourteen was at the Premier Laundry in Lowestoft, where she met the women who were to become her lifelong friends: Peggy Kent, Gladys Kent, Barbara Harvey, and Hilda Green. She was interviewed, along with all four of her fellow 'laundry girls', at Peggy Kent's home in Lowestoft on 18 October 1995; and again with three of the four--Peggy Kent, Gladys Kent and Barbara Harvey--on 13 November 1995.
In their lively and laughter-filled first interview, Mrs Catchpole and her friends--who now rarely see each other as a group--share memories of the good times they enjoyed in the thirties. Described in the interviewer’s field notes as “glamorous pensioners”, they reminisce about the fun they had and recall the complex web of social events they shared. They offer hilarious yarns about work at the laundry, getting ready to go to the pictures or the dance hall, trying out hairstyles, makeup, and fashions; looking your best (“And we did look lovely!”); imitating film stars and getting ideas from the films about what they were going to wear; going for a dip in the sea on the way home from an evening out. They update each other with anecdotes and news about their families, and vividly recall a wartime bombing raid on Lowestoft. While most of the conversation in the friends' second interview again consists of shared reminiscences about their youthful exploits, their boyfriends, husbands and children, the women are induced to talk about stars and films when shown a film star annual from the 1930s. They swap opinions about favourite stars, most of whom are male; they remember how people copied actions, gestures, fashions, and hairstyles from films; and share amusing anecdotes about cinema visits with friends and family members.Interview transcript | Listing of cinemas, films and stars mentioned
Audio-synced interview (2 of 2)
Interview transcript | Listing of cinemas, films and stars mentioned
Documents, Memorabilia and Related Links
East Anglia home pagePalm Court Orchestra, The Grand, Eastbourne (mastersofmeolody.co.uk site)
South Pier, Lowestoft (lowestofthistory.com site)
Health & Beauty Display At Wembley, 1939 (YouTube)
Donated Photographs
Book chapter drawing on Mrs Kent's interviews:
Kuhn, A. (2002) 'Growing Up with Cinema', in An Everyday Magic: Cinema and Cultural Memory, Chapter 5. London: I.B.Tauris/Bloomsbury.