College ECOChallenge

Bright green leaves on a table spelling out the word 'Earth'. © Miriam Espacio @ Unsplah

Within College teams, you will be presented with the various challenges the university faces concerning environmental sustainability and asked to come up with innovative ideas and solutions. As a team, you will need to collaborate, conduct market research and develop a professional pitch. The competition will end in week 19 (March 2021) when ideas will be pitched to a panel of experts. The winning and runner up team will be awarded cash prizes.

If you would like to be a member of the Grizedale team please register your interest here. If you would like more information about the competition, please contact the Environmental Sustainability Team in the Students’ Union. We encourage participants from all faculties and of any level of experience!

The launch event will be taking place on Tuesday 16th February, 17:00-18:30 on Microsoft Teams. Please book this event into your diary. You will receive a link to join, following registration.

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