Ruskin's Ca D'Oro


Drawing Conversations 3: Drawing Talking to Sciences

Supported by Lancaster Institute for the Contemporary Arts, and Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Lancaster University

Project Leads

Dr Sarah Casey and Gerald Davies

Solve et Coagula 300 x 382

This project brought together artists and scientists to assess the potential of drawing to make meaningful contributions to knowledge outside the arts.

This one-day conference invited artists and scientists to explore the contribution of drawing to this rapidly expanding area of interdisciplinary research, in the context of the exhibition Ruskin: Museum of the Near Future, which explored Ruskin’s advocacy of a daily practice of drawing as a way of understanding the world.

The accompanying exhibition, Drawn to Investigate, explored how drawing continues to work across boundaries: between observation and expression, empiricism and invention in a range of investigative practices.

Image: Emma Hunter, Solve et Coagula, 2014 (detail). (© Emma Hunter)

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