Dr Cornelia Gräbner

Senior Lecturer in Hispanic Studies and Comparative Literature

Additional Information

In my research I explore the poetics and the narratives of the social from the 1950s to the present day, in Europe and the Americas. Often times, this research takes me into the realm of the political and of the public. On these journeys of reflection and exploration I'm interested not only in what I find but also, in how we -- humans -- think about the world we inhabit and about how we inhabit it. I'm interested in three broad subject areas: poetry-in-performance, committed writing, and imaginaries of acquiescence and of critical hope.

Poetry in Performance. The performance of poetry as it has been deployed since the 1950s in the Western world is an expression of secondary orality. I'm interested especially in the intermediality of poetry in performance, in the intersections of poetry and critical thinking, and in the relationship between poetry and politics. In recent publications I have explored the sensorial plenitude of the poetry performance as an antidote to the attritional dynamics of austerity politics and necropolitics, and I'm currently compiling research on the different genres of the poetry performance. I have also curated events on the organization of poetry scenes in port cities and on poetry from the edgelands for the ó Bhéal Winter Warmer Festival in 2022 and 2023.

Committed writing. This strand of my research explores the ways in which political and ethical commitments are expressed in, or inform, poetry and prose writing. I approach committed writing as an important intervention into public debates in democratic societies, and as a practice of survival and resistance under non-democratic regimes. Committed writing invites different modes of listening. I'm specifically not interested in committed writing that defies reading practices that work through either identification or 'othering'; my interest lies with committed writing that works through curiosity and critique. I have published on the representation of 1970s armed movement in the Mexican novel, on writing from within the Movement for Peace with Justice and Dignity in Mexico, on writing from within cataclysmic historical movements and, most recently, on the poetry and the memoirs of Carolyn Forché.

Imaginaries of Acquiescence and Stories of Critical Hope in the 21st century. This line of research emerged from the enquiry into psychosocial obstacles to social and political transformation. It holds that imaginaries of acquiescences are a feature of the cultures of contemporary low-intensity democracies. These imaginaries can be made visible when we decode 'hidden transcripts' (James C. Scott) of acquiescence and suppression. They can be countered by stories of 'critical hope' (Paulo Freire), whereby Freire importantly maintaints that critical hope requires denunciation as well as annunciation. Currently I'm writing stories of critical hope based on the holdings of the CAMeNA in Mexico City.

See the blog series The Aliveness of Memory, published in collaboration with the Latin America Bureau: https://lab.org.uk/series/camena-blog/


Collaborative: Contemporary poetry and politics: social conflict and poetic dialogisms (POEPOLIT II)

As a direct continuation of three previous research projects, researchers involved in the project Contemporary poetry and politics: social conflict and poetic dialogisms (POEPOLIT II, PID2019-105709RB-I00) explore the relationships between poetics and politics, and their impact in contemporary western societies. With three projects since 2010, the work of a stable group of international researchers has expanded poetics analyses theoretically and in practice, as well as their interfaces with politics. The project is of a comparative and relational nature and focuses on poetry in several languages and from a range of regions and territories.

Duration of the project: 2020-2023. Funding entity: Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (Spain). See https://poepolit.blogspot.nl/p/poepolit.html

Individual: Cultural Imaginaries of Acquiescence in Contemporary Low-Intensity Democracies, funded by The Leverhulme Trust from September 2017 until May 2019.

Stories of Critical Hope from the Centro Académico de la Memoria de Nuestra América (CAMeNA), funded by the British Academy.

Selected Publications

Respect and Indignation: The Performance of Poetries as an Opposition to Attritional Violence
Gräbner, C. 1/10/2024 In: Cahiers de Littérature Orale. 95-96, 24 p.
Journal article

‘From Now On’: Concientización, Evidentiary Poems and Readerly Encounters in the Work of Carolyn Forché
Gräbner, C. 31/10/2024 In: Comparative Critical Studies. 21, 2-3, p. 267-280. 14 p.
Journal article

Public spaces and global listening spaces: poetic resonances from the Movement for Peace with Justice and Dignity in Mexico
Gräbner, C. 08/2015 In: Liminalities: A Journal of Performance Studies. 11, 3, 26 p.
Journal article

“But how to speak of such things?”: decolonial love, the coloniality of gender, and political struggle in Francisco Goldman's The Long Night of White Chickens (1992) and Jennifer Harbury's Bridge of Courage (1994) and Searching for Everardo (1997)
Gräbner, C. 2014 In: Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies. 20, 1, p. 51-74. 24 p.
Journal article

British Academy Summer Showcase

Annual Conference of the Society of Latin American Studies
Participation in conference - Academic

Poetry, Sound and Music
Participation in workshop, seminar, course

Territorios de la poesía latinoaméricana
Participation in conference - Academic

Investigative Journalists as Cultural Mediators in an Age of Threat: Examples from Mexico and the Amazon
Participation in workshop, seminar, course

For Dom, Bruno and the Amazon

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights at 75:
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience

CLAMOR: The search for the ‘disappeared’ of the South American dictatorships
Participation in workshop, seminar, course

Decolonizing academic writing through co-production? Reflections from the Prisoner Publishing project
Invited talk

ó Bhéal Winter Warmer Festival: Poems from Port Cities

ó Bhéal Winter Warmer Poetry Festival: Nurturing Poets

ó Bhéal Winter Warmer Festival

Universidad Autonoma de la Ciudad de Mexico
Visiting an external academic institution

Dr Ainhoa Montoya: Dispossession through Juridification
Participation in workshop, seminar, course

'They only want your Body and Soul': The Poetics of Rebellion and Resistance in Contemporary Tory Britain
Invited talk

(Un)fair Cities
Participation in workshop, seminar, course

Ó Bhéal Winter Warmer Festival

(Un)timely Crises
Participation in workshop, seminar, course

Against the Grain
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience

Annual Conference of the Cultural Studies Association
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience

Participation in workshop, seminar, course

General Performance and Hidden Transcripts in Tom McCarthy’s Satin Island (2015): A Dialogue
Invited talk

On Killing with Impunity: María Rivera’s ‘The Dead’ and Daniela Rea’s No-One Asked Them For Pardon: Chronicles of Resistance and Impunity
Invited talk

Comparative or Relational? Responding to Performance Poetry on 21st Century Ongoing Violence
Invited talk

Lo poetico y lo politico en la actualidad
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience

Acquiescencia en las culturas de democracia de baja intensidad
Invited talk

Centro Académico de la Memoria de Nuestra América
Visiting an external academic institution

NECS 2018 conference
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience

Ciudadanxs zombies: Ciudad globalizada, acquiescencia y represión en la novela Satin Island de Tom McCarthy
Oral presentation

Tuning In, Tuning Out and Tuning Past: Testimony and Resonance in Tom McCarthy's Satin Island and Erri De Luca's Crime of a Soldier
Invited talk

Testimonies of Ongoing Violence in 21st Century Europe: Erri De Luca's Contrarian Speech, and She Drew The Gun's Denunciation of Social Attrition
Invited talk

Kamchatka: Revista de Análsis Cultural (Journal)
Publication peer-review

Testimony. Poetry. Language.
Invited talk

University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis
Visiting an external academic institution

Annual Meeting of the American Comparative Literature
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience

Urban World-Making
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience

Writing for Liberty 2017
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience

Amsterdam Center for Globalisation Studies ACGS (External organisation)
Member of an organisation

Critical Studies Journal (Journal)
Publication peer-review

Annual Meeting of the American Comparative Literature Association
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience

ASAP/Journal - Journal of The Association for the Study of the Arts of the Present (Journal)
Editorial activity

Music for Hope (External organisation)
Member of Advisory Panel

Situations and Events: Intensifications of State Violence in Mexico and the Poetics of Resistance
Invited talk

La poésie dans les éspaces publiques
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience

Annual Conference Society of Latin American Studies
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience

Authors and the World
Participation in workshop, seminar, course

Annual Meeting of the American Comparative Literature Association: Capitals
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience

A Contracorriente (Journal)
Publication peer-review

Latin American Utopian Visions
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience

Annual Conference Society of Latin American Studies
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience

II Simposio Internacional "Cultura e Crise"
Invited talk

Poetic Disruptions of the Neoliberal Etiquette: The European
Invited talk

El otro mundo que si es posible: Neo-zapatismo y imaginarios de alterglobalisacion en el trabajo cultural
Invited talk

Historia y Poesía: Re-contar la historia a través del lenguaje poético y ‘desde abajo’ en literatura de alterglobalisación
Invited talk

Who Grants Poetic Licence? Performance Poetry betweeen Social Critique, Political Activism, and the Market
Invited talk

La poesia en voz alta en los anyos 70 y 80: Tendencias y manifestaciones
Invited talk

Politics are Sexy: Gendered and Political violence in Francisco Goldman's 'The Long Night of White Chickens'
Invited talk

  • Latin America Research Cluster
  • Poetics of Resistance
  • Transcultural Writing, Practice and Research Network