Soledad Montes

PhD student

Research Overview

My topics of interest are academic literacies, writing in life course transitions, and the link between writing and inclusion in higher education. Currently, I am working on my Ph.D. thesis exploring how economically deprived students transition across contexts, genres, and identities from school to university or other post-secondary education settings.

Before starting my Ph.D., I was a lecturer in academic writing and a writing program administrator. I am a founding member and the former secretary of the Latin American Association for Writing Studies in Higher Education and Professional Contexts (ALES). I am also part of the Lancaster Literacy Research Network for Ph.D. students and ECRs. You can see my ResearchGate here.

Selected Publications

Los desafíos de la escritura académica: concepciones y experiencias de estudiantes graduados en seis áreas de conocimiento
Navarro, F., Montes Sanchez, S. 31/12/2021 In: Onomazein. 54, p. 179-202. 24 p.
Journal article

Transformados por la Escritura: Concepciones de Estudiantes Universitarios a través del Currículum y de las Etapas Formativas
Navarro, F., Uribe Gajardo, F., Montes Sanchez, S., Lovera Falcón, P., Mora Aguirre, B., Sologuren Insúa, E., Castro, C., Álvarez, M., Vargas Pérez, S. 1/11/2021 In: Multilingual Contributions to Writing Research . Fort Collins, Colo. : WAC Clearinghouse p. 261-285. 25 p.
Chapter (peer-reviewed)

Diseño de un programa de escritura a través del currículum: opciones teóricas y acciones estratégicas
Montes Sanchez, S., Vidal Lizama, M. 9/05/2018 In: Lenguas Modernas. 50, p. 73-90. 18 p.
Journal article