Employer Conversations

Information for Employers

Arts and Social Sciences Student One Year Placements, Short-Term Internships, and Work Based Projects

Are you an organisation that would like to work with us, perhaps developing student projects, internships and placements with us? Please do get in touch with us for an informal chat, our contact details are below.

Placement Year

We are pleased to offer a placement year degree option, in which our Arts and Social Sciences students can spend a year in industry.

A 12-month placement is an important element of our students' degrees, creating the opportunity to gain first-hand experience of the issues faced in a professional workplace environment, and the methods to address them.

During their placements, our students complete a wide variety of jobs which are essential to the employer and involves genuine responsibility. The students will start their placement after their second year of studies, returning to Lancaster afterwards to complete their final year.

Timescales: Students are available from mid/late June each year, and placements must end in time for them to return to their course at the end of September the following year.

Costs: Students are usually paid, as a minimum, the National Living Wage.


Could your organisation benefit from a flexible, short term internship with one of our Arts and Social Sciences students?

Taking on a student intern provides organisations an excellent opportunity to address a skill or resource shortage by benefiting from up-to-date skills and knowledge.

Our talented students could support growth in business, trial new roles or research a new idea.

Timescales: Students are available during term-time for flexible hours roles, and over the summer vacation period for full time (35 hours a week +) roles. Internships could last from 40 hours up to 360 hours.

Costs: We have a range of funding options available, including part funding and match funding for SMEs, Charities and third-sector organisations.

Work Based Learning Modules

Could your organisation do with some extra support on a project? Many of our degree subjects now have embedded work-based learning modules, whereby students will combine theoretical knowledge with some real-life work experience. By taking on one of our students for a work-based learning project, you will benefit from the extra time and support of an enthusiastic student, all while helping to enrich their learning and development.

Our English & Creative Writing, Linguistics, History, Sociology and Criminology departments offer work-based learning modules which run every year. Each student has an individual learning agreement and will be prepared for the transition into the workplace.

Timescales: from April - August we work with host organisations to plan work placements to run in the following between February to April. Students can spend up to 40 hours with an organisation, or in some cases up to 70 hours when combined with a dissertation research project.

Cost: None. Students volunteer for the duration of their work-based learning placement.

Placement Year roles, and flexible short-term Internships are sought for students studying:

  • Criminology
  • Design, and Fine Art
  • Drama, Theatre and Performance
  • English Literature
  • English Language and Linguistics
  • Film, Media and Cultural Studies
  • History
  • School of Global Affairs
  • Law
  • Philosophy
  • Politics and International Relations
  • Religious Studies
  • Sociology

Employer Feedback: HM Prison and Probation Service

We had a placement student from [the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences] Lancaster University join our team in September 2020. During her year with us she helped us set up several new systems for collecting data from prison psychology departments across the country, work that has had a significant positive impact on the efficiency HMPPS National Psychology Services. Our student was positive and professional throughout her placement and became an integral part of our team in no time at all. Having her with us was an absolute joy and I would have no hesitation in having another offering another student a placement role.

Group Reducing Reoffending Lead, National Psychology Services

Employer Feedback: General Electric

Our high-calibre internship programme has a steep learning curve and comes with considerable responsibility and expectation. Our [Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences] Lancaster University intern [2020-21] often exceeded these expectations, returning to his studies armed with a range of newly acquired skills and knowledge. The experience was equally valuable and rewarding to both student and employer.

Lead Financial Crime Analyst, General Electric


  • Trial a potential student employee
  • Access a broad mix of expertise
  • Gain up-to-date skills and knowledge
  • Address a skill or resource shortage
  • Save valuable staff time with a low cost resource
  • Give a student valuable industry experience
  • Trial a new role or research a new idea

Transferable Skills

In addition to their subject specific knowledge, Lancaster University students develop skills in:

  • Team work
  • Problem solving
  • Analysis and critical reflection
  • Negotiation and influence
  • Oral and written communications
  • Networking

Interested in developing a student internship or placement with us?

Please contact the Faculty Employability Team for an informal and explorative conversation.