We work with businesses of all sizes in many ways, including contract and collaborative research, supporting student projects, placements and internships, training, guest lectures and events for businesses.
We work with businesses of all sizes in many ways, including contract and collaborative research, supporting student projects, placements and internships, training, guest lectures and events for businesses.
The Knowledge Exchange team in the School of Computing and Communications has extensive experience in Business Engagement, Student Engagement and Collaborative research. Since 2005 we have assisted over 1,000 small and medium enterprises businesses through funded projects and programmes.
We can help your business transform ideas into new digital products, processes and services, and create new solutions, new strategies, improving business performance and competitiveness.
Whether you are seeking a research partner, expert advice, education and training or facilities, Science and Technology at Lancaster University offers a unique set of expertise and services.
Join the many successful organisations, from SMEs to multinationals, research institutes to public and third sector bodies which collaborate with us.
Over 80 full-time academic and research staff and 100 research students have been attracted to Lancaster from all over the world. By working with our School of Computing and Communications (SCC) academic and research community, partner organisations gain access to world-class research with high impact.
Across all our activities, we share a strong practical ethos in our research that is driven by an understanding of real-world challenges and development and experimental evaluation of systems.
The School's research output spans several major subfields of our discipline, including Communications and Networking, Interactive Systems, Pervasive Systems, Software Engineering and Human-Computer Interaction. The School has identified three interdisciplinary areas as key growth areas: Data Science, Cybersecurity and Digital Health. We actively pursue research agendas that cut across traditional field boundaries to achieve transformative developments in several sub-fields simultaneously and are driven by real world challenge and benefit.
Our research is recognised for its exceptional quality and international reputation. The UK Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2021 ranked us 14th in the UK for research power, with 94% of our research being rated as world-leading or internationally excellent. An International Review of UK Computer Science cited us as one of only a handful of centres undertaking "leading edge systems research".
Our research is supported by grants from the UK Research Councils, the European Commission and industrial sponsors. The total value of our current grants exceeds £12M. Our grant portfolio reflects our commitment to collaborative research, including on an international scale.
SCC staff can provide partner organisations with consultancy and advice to address specific technical problems. Alternatively, collaborative research projects can be developed through discussion with SCC academic and research staff facilitated by the Business Partnerships and Enterprise Team. Contact SCC's Business Partnerships Managers to discuss the possible options and we'll link you up with the right experts.
Our Business Partnerships Managers have significant experience of undertaking collaborative projects with a wide range of organisations and the funding routes available to support these.
Funding and NetworksWe provide organisations with an extensive range of ways to access the technical expertise of our students, through internships, partnerships, collaborative award studentships, project work, and careers fairs. Employers benefit from our high calibre students and our students gain practical experience that will enhance their potential employability.
We successfully place students from School of Computing and Communications degree schemes into organisations each year, ranging from local and regional small and medium-sized businesses to International Corporations.
Some of the schemes we can offer include:
Employers are invited to attend careers fairs and workshops with our students, which provide a free opportunity to communicate one-to-one with over 1000 potential candidates and enhance your company profile.