Senate Sub-Committees
The below list includes all Senate sub-committee terms of reference and membership lists. These groups consider and deliver more detailed work on academic matters.
The Standing Orders for committees are the rules on the way in which the business of those committees, in particular the Council, the Senate and their sub-committees, are conducted, for example, rules of debate, methods of voting, powers of the chair, etc. They have been created for all sub-committees to simplify and standardise the approach, while allowing for individual committee requirements where needed
Information on Joint Committees of Council and Senate can be reviewed on the Council Sub-Committee page.
Arts Strategy Committee terms of reference
Arts Strategy Committee membership
Committee Secretary (key contact): John Dickinson, Senior Governance Officer,
Education Committee terms of reference
Education Committee membership
Committee Secretary (key contact): Lauren Tovee, Governance Officer,
Academic Standards and Quality Committee terms of reference
Academic Standards and Quality Committee membership
Committee Secretary (key contact): Martin Colclough, Academic Quality and Standards Manager,
Collaborative Partnership Sub-Committee terms of reference
Collaborative Partnership Sub-Committee membership
Committee Secretary (key contact): Cara Pinder-Emery, Academic Quality and Standards Manager (Degree Apprenticeships) or Andrew Harding, Academic Quality and Standards Manager (email:
Enterprise and Innovation Committee terms of reference
Enterprise and Innovation Committee membership
Committee Secretary (key contact): Claire Geddes, Head of Governance Services,
Honorary Degrees Committee terms of reference
Honorary Degrees Committee membership
Committee Secretary (key contact): Lucy Sanderson, Governance Officer,
For information on the nominations process, visit the Staff Intranet (for staff only).
The Procedure for Revocation of Honorary Awards is not a process that will be undertaken lightly nor in response to trivial matters, but is expected to be enacted where serious and significant concerns have been raised. Under these circumstances, cases for the revocation of an Honorary Award may be submitted to the Director of Strategic Planning and Governance.
Alumni Awards Committee terms of reference
Alumni Awards Committee membership
Committee Secretary (key contact): Lauren Tovee, Governance Officer,
For information on the nominations process, visit the Staff Intranet (for staff only).
Intercalations Committee terms of reference
Intercalations Committee membership
Committee Secretary (key contact): Carol Cook, Interim Head of Registration, Records and Funding (Registration and Records), or Emma Mein, Interim Head of Registration, Records and Funding (Partnerships, Funding, Retention and Fees),
Research Committee terms of reference
Committee Secretary (key contact): Lauren Tovee, Governance Officer,
University Research Ethics and Integrity Committee terms of reference
University Research Ethics and Integrity Committee membership
Committee Secretary (key contact): Helen Brace, Research Support and Systems Manager,
Standing Academic Committee terms of reference
Standing Academic Committee membership
Committee Secretary (key contact): Steve Mack, Academic Conduct and Appeals Manager,
Classification and Assessment Review Board UG terms of reference
Classification and Assessment Review Board UG membership
Committee Secretary (key contact): John Dickinson, Senior Governance Officer,
Classification and Assessment Review Board PGT terms of reference
Classification and Assessment Review Board PGT membership
Committee Secretary (key contact): John Dickinson, Senior Governance Officer,