Designed for Connection
How Pathways-Informed Citizen Science is impacted by environmental quality to enhance nature connectedness, wellbeing and environmental monitoring in urban areas?
As part of the initial QUENCH collaborative workshops in early 2022, the network has awarded five pump-priming grants. This funding will support interdisciplinary teams of researchers and practitioners to take forwards collaborative projects that look to address the QUENCH key questions, as well as build further capacity to develop interdisciplinary and cross-sector research in this area.
How Pathways-Informed Citizen Science is impacted by environmental quality to enhance nature connectedness, wellbeing and environmental monitoring in urban areas?
Investigating the environmental quality impact on urban food growing for better health and wellbeing.
How does ecosystem quality affect nature connectedness and health in young people?
How do environmental quality and bio-psycho-social-spiritual factors interact to shape inequalities in people’s experience of connecting with nature and their sense of place?
How does ecosystem quality of nature-based activities affects management and recovery from common mental health disorders?