Professor Elizabete Carmo-Silva

Professor of Crop Physiology

Research Overview

Elizabete is passionate about plants, photosynthesis and Rubisco! She is internationally recognised as an expert on photosynthetic biochemistry, focusing on the regulation of carbon assimilation in crop plants, especially wheat and cowpea. Her research programme aims to understand and improve the efficiency of photosynthesis to sustainably enhance crop productivity and climate resilience.

After an MSc in applied plant biology at the University of Lisbon, Elizabete earned a PhD in 2008 researching photosynthesis and photorespiration in C4 grasses. She subsequently specialized on the regulation of Rubisco by its molecular chaperone Rubisco activase as a postdoctoral researcher with the Arid Land Agricultural Research Centre, USDA-ARS. She conducted some of the first studies on the interplay between drought and heat stress in the cotton fields of Maricopa. In 2012, Elizabete started working on wheat crop improvement as a research scientist at Rothamsted Research and in 2015 she joined Lancaster University and started a research group focused on Rubisco regulation in crops.

Photosynthesis Team

Elizabete is a group leader within the Photosynthesis team at the Lancaster Environment Centre.

Research Projects

Her research group is currently (2024) funded through the RIPE project, CAPITALISE, PhotoBoost, and Delivering Sustainable Wheat (DSW).

Administrative Roles

She is the LEC Director of Postgraduate Research Programmes, and the Lancaster University partner lead for the BBSRC-funded NorthWestBio Doctoral Training Partnership.


She convenes an undergraduate course on Research Design and Delivery (Bioscience courses), and supervises research projects by undergraduate and postgraduate students. She runs a programme of summer vacation internships in photosynthesis reserach within LEC.


Available funded positions for joining Elizabete’s group are advertised on the Photosynthesis team website. Enquiries by prospective doctoral and postdoctoral researchers are welcome, either for the advertised positions or to apply for a scholarship or fellowship. A strong motivation to advance the understanding of Rubisco regulation, be part of a team, and contribute to enhance the sustainability and climate resilience of agricultural crop production is essential.

Elizabete is proud to lead, mentor and support the researchers that form the Rubisco team at LEC:

Dr Joana Amaral, research associate (CAPITALISE project)

Dr Carmen Hermida Carrera, senior research associate (DSW project)

Dr Armida Gjindali, research associate (RIPE project)

Dr Ana K Moreira Lobo, senior research associate (PhotoBoost project)

Dr Joao Antonio Siqueira, senior research associate (RIPE project)

Dr Caty Marsden, specialist research technician (RIPE project)

Dr Rhiannon Page, specialist research technician (RIPE project)

Dr Ingrid Robertson, specialist research technician (RIPE project)

Dr Dawn Worrall, specialist research technician (CAPITALISE project)

Dr Rachel Baxter, data and project manager (part-time)

Lisa Stout, lab technician (part-time)

Fay Biney, PhD student

Connor Nehls, PhD student

Haixia Yu, PhD student

Esteem Indicators and Academic Service

Learned Societies: Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology (since 2022).

Committee memberships: Member of Pool of Experts for the UKRI Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC, since 2022). PI network steering group member, Prosper: Unlocking postdoc career potential (since 2021). Biochemical Society committee member, Research Area Energy & Metabolism (since 2020).

Editorial Roles: Journal of Experimental Botany, handling editor (since 2021); Current Opinion in Plant Biology, guest editor (2019); Photosynthesis Research, associate editor 2018-2021); Frontiers in Plant Science, associate editor 2016-2018).

Team Leader: Leader of photosynthesis research team at Lancaster and direct supervisor of ~14 researchers (postdocs, technicians and graduate students) in the Rubisco team (since 2015).

International Recognition: Invited speaker and discussion panel member at major international meetings and events. Invited author of review manuscripts, including a New Phytologist Tansley Review and the multi-authored Perspectives on improving photosynthesis to increase crop yield in The Plant Cell.

The Wolfson Centre for Photosynthetic Diversity
01/08/2023 → 31/07/2028

BBSRC Institute Strategic Programme: Delivering Sustainable Wheat (DSW) Partner Grant
01/04/2023 → 31/03/2028

ENGBIO21: Plant microcompartment engineering for green production
15/02/2023 → 14/02/2024

RIPE III : Realizing Increased Photosynthetic Efficiency for Sustainable Increases in Crop Yield
01/01/2023 → 31/12/2026

RIPE Bridging Funds Tranche 1 (Income Only)
01/09/2022 → 31/12/2022

Combining Approaches for Photosynthetic Improvement to Allow Increased Sustainability in European Agriculture
01/01/2022 → 30/11/2024

01/09/2020 → 31/08/2025

IWYP - Induction: Faster Adjustment of Photosynthesis to shade-sun transitions in the field to improve wheat yields
15/05/2018 → 14/05/2022

IWYP Call 2: Manipulating Stomatal Blue Light response in wheat to improve productivity
01/04/2018 → 31/03/2022

Realising Increased Photosynthetic Efficiency (RIPE2)
01/09/2017 → 31/03/2023

N8 : Delaying Turnover of Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate cardoxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) as a novel mechanism to enhance wheat yeilds.
01/05/2017 → 31/10/2018

Bilateral NSF/BIO-BBSRC Synthesis of Microcompartments in plants for enhanced carbon fixation
01/12/2016 → 30/09/2021

15-IWYP Wider and faster: high-throughout phenotypic exploration of novel genetic variation for breeding high biomass and yield in wheat
01/03/2016 → 30/09/2019

15-IWYP Using Next Generation Genetic Approaches to Exploit Pheotypic Variation in Photosynthetic Efficiency to Increase Wheat Yield
01/02/2016 → 30/09/2019

15-IWYP Realising increased photosynthetic efficiency to increase Wheat Yields
01/01/2016 → 30/09/2019

Exploiting a Cyanobacterial CO2 concentrating Mechanism to increase Photosynthesis and Yield
01/01/2016 → 30/06/2019

Combining field phenotyping and next generation genetics to uncover markers, genes and biology underlying drought tolerance in wheat
16/09/2015 → …

Realizing increased photosynthetic Efficiency for sustainable increases in Crop Yield
01/09/2015 → 31/10/2017

Optimising Rubisco activation to improve photosynthesis in wheat
01/01/2015 → 31/12/2017

MC PDF: Linking Epidermis and Mesophyll Signalling. Anatomy and Impact in Photosynthesis - Carmen Hermida Carrera
01/01/1900 → …

Improving wheat yield through increases in heat tolerance of leaf carbon exchange (Grains Research and Development Corporation, Australian National University)

UKRI Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) (External organisation)
Membership of committee

International Congress on Photosynthesis Research 2026
Participation in conference - Academic

Journal of Experimental Botany (Journal)
Editorial activity

Prosper PI network steering group (External organisation)
Membership of network

The Biochemical Society (External organisation)
Membership of committee

Current Opinion in Plant Biology (Journal)
Editorial activity

Plastid Preview 2018
Participation in conference - Academic

Native Explorers: Outreach without borders and workshops
Participation in conference - Public

Photosynthesis Research (Journal)
Editorial activity

The Higher Education Academy (External organisation)
Membership of network

British Council (External organisation)
Membership of committee

Associação dos Bolseiros de Investigação Científica (External organisation)
Membership of committee

Federation of European Societies of Plant Biology (External organisation)
Membership of network

Society for Experimental Biology (External organisation)
Membership of network

International Society of Photosynthesis Research (External organisation)
Membership of network

Richard Malkin Award
Prize (including medals and awards)

Agrisera Award
Prize (including medals and awards)

Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology
Election to learned society

  • Plant and Crop Science